“My troubles turned out all for the best…”
(Ps. 119:71 Msg)
Where can the most beautiful vistas be viewed? From atop the summit of the tallest mountain, after the most strenuous climb.
Which valleys have the richest green velvet pastures and the fullest spikes of wildflower colors? Those that have withstood the greatest drenching rains.
What forests produce the most prolific new growth? Those that have suffered the hot, searing flames of destruction.
Which diamonds sparkle the most brilliantly? Those that have felt the cleaving of the jeweler’s sharp chisel and the friction of the polishing wheel.
An old Chinese proverb says, “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.”
Just as all of nature suffers contrary conditions in order to be expanded, improved, or strengthened, so, too, do we. Difficulties and trials will always be a part of our lives. We cannot separate ourselves from them. And if we ponder it closely, we realize we will not grow as Christians if trials do not come to test and enlarge us.
If we try to wiggle out of these times, we force premature deliverance, frustrating God’s plan. It is like prying open a cocoon before the caterpillar has finished its metamorphosis into a butterfly. Forcing open the cocoon too soon will render the caterpillar deformed for the rest of its short lifespan.
When we manipulate the hands of the clock to align with our own agenda, we destroy the beauty that God desires to emerge from His timing. Through our own efforts to “help” God out with our deliverance, do we come out of our cocoon of circumstance too early and spiritually deformed in some way? Or do we wait for the revealed transformation by God’s hand?
Is our cocoon of circumstance not intended, as for the butterfly, to deepen our richest colors and give us wings of flight, beautifying our character, all which we may not have had before the trial? While in that cocoon of circumstance, we “are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory.” (2 Cor. 3:18 NIV)
God knows the worth, the power, and the beauty hidden deep within our hearts and only that which is contrary to our comfort releases the precious qualities within us. As Paul said, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Rom 8:18 NKJV)
God will work out all our circumstances for our benefit when we fully commit them and ourselves to Him, His Word, and His timing.
After experiencing a cocoon of contrary circumstance, are you able to say, as David, that all your troubles turned out for the best?
“And we know that God causes everything to work together
for the good of those who love God and are called
according to His purpose for them.”
(Rom. 8:28 NLT)
About the Author:
At a time of physical upheaval in 2000, Lynn Mosher felt led of the Lord to take up her pen and write. With this new passion, she has embraced her mission to reach others through Christ-honoring literature, encouraging them in their walk and offering comfort through the written word. Lynn lives with her hubby (since 1966) in their Kentucky nest, emptied of three chicklets, and expanded by three giggly grand-chicklets, and an inherited dog. You can find out more about Lynn by visiting her website http://www.lynnmosher.com
Ronnie Dauber
/ March 9, 2015Excellent message!
Gerrie Grimsley
/ March 9, 2015This is beautiful, Lynn. I am going to share this with my husband right now! We have been discussing something that keeps coming up over and over…that of not being satisfied with where he is in his station of life. It’s been a time of trial for him, and for me of sorts in trying to help him. I do believe you are so right about “premature deliverance” and “frustrating God’s plan.” Thank you so much.