All posts in category Interviews

Interview With a Gentleman: Keith Ayers, Deep in the Heart 5/31/2024

by Staci Stallings Narrated by Artificial Intelligence – Kayla Click Above to Read/Listen to the Devotional Keith Ayers, the son of billionaire oilman Conrad Ayers and fiancé of Dallas Henderson, the daughter of the junior Senator from Texas, sat down with Christian EReader News to discuss his up-coming nuptials in what is purported […]

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If You Believed in Love — A New #1 Best Seller 5/12/2023

by Staci Stallings If You Believed in Love became a #1 Best Seller in Christian Poetry on June 21, 2018. Here’s an interview with the author, Staci Stallings, about this very unique book… What do you love about this book? If You Believed In Love is a book that just makes me smile […]

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Meet Maggie Montgomery 3/5/2021

by Staci Stallings We at Christian Ereader News would like to welcome Maggie Montgomery.  Maggie is the new nanny for billionaire Conrad Ayers’ children. CEN:  Thanks for coming today, Maggie. Maggie:  Thank you for having me. CEN:  Tell us a little about your new job. Maggie:  Oh, well, my new job is great.  […]

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Author Interview with Carmen Peone 12/3/2019

by Carmen Peone Today, we welcome Carmen Peone for an Author Interview. Thank you Carmen for being here today and for agreeing to do this interview. Question: What do you think prepared you or qualifies you to write in your chosen genre?  Answer: When I moved onto the Colville Reservation with my husband who […]

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Author Interview With Carol Nemeth 11/19/2019

by Carol Nemeth Our guest today is Carol Nemeth. Thanks Carol for being here today and for agreeing to do this Interview. Question 1: What do you think prepared you or qualifies you to write in your chosen genre? Answer: Honestly, I’m not sure I am qualified. I just know that I love to […]

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Author Interview

by BJ Robinson Last July I was in the hospital and given no hope that I would be alive this year, but God is in control. My Not long ago, I had a checkup with my cardiologist. He told me God and my medicine are keeping me alive. I praise and thank God […]

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The Write Stuff with Parker J. Cole: Interview Time!

by Mary C. Findley Parker J. Cole has a radio show called The Write Stuff. It exists specifically to encourage and showcase writers of all kinds. Earlier this year she asked many authors to join a group to help her line up guests for her show. I had wanted to do this for […]

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Author Interview with BJ Robinson

by BJ Robinson I’m delighted to be here today to discuss my latest release, Amazing Grace, a Christian novel set in Upstate New York. Thank you for taking the time to consider my book. It is a sweet Christian, inspirational romance. What made you decide to set your book in Upstate New York? I usually […]

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Author Interview with CJ Peterson

by CJ Peterson Good Morning, CJ. Thanks for being here and for agreeing to do this interview. 🙂 1) Tell us about your newest book.  HEARTS UNITED (Book 3, Divine Legacy Series) came out at the end of August 2018. This book continues the journey of the next generation A.N.G.E.L.s (Available to Nurture God’s Eternal Love). […]

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Author Video Interview–: Writing Tips

by Lisa M. Prysock Hello Grace and Faith for You family!  This interview quickly covers topics concerning beta readers, proofreaders, editors, and book covers.  I hope you will find the information useful and helpful to you on your writing and reading journey.    I can’t stress enough about how important it is to find […]

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