Raspberries and Vinegar, Valerie Comer
When I first read the blurbs about this new series called Farm Fresh Romance, I was intrigued. I blog about Fresh Starts , and the farm twist was really interesting to me, so I grabbed a copy to read. Now I love the idea of FarmLit and hope it catches on, Val’s really onto something here!
Besides the great new genre mashup, her characters are complex and believable, the plot is interesting and has some surprises, and the romance is interesting without being unrealistic or saccharine.
What I also found really interesting was Valerie’s tidbits on natural farming, eating well, and living a simpler life. I live in a suburb, but I got inspired to try my hand at growing my own veggies, and even bought a greenhouse, started composting, and now we’re looking into solar!
Don’t pick up Raspberries and Vinegar and expect the same old blah-blah love story, because you won’t get that.
What you will get is a well-written, enjoyable, emotional tale that will pull you into the beginning of a series I predict you’ll look forward to following as much as I do.
Well done, Valerie, I can’t wait for the next title!
Valerie Comer’s life on a small farm in western Canada provides the seed for stories of contemporary inspirational romance. Like many of her
characters, Valerie and her family grow much of their own food and are active in the local foods movement as well as their creation-care-centric church. She only hopes her characters enjoy their happily ever afters as much as she does hers, shared with her husband, adult kids, and adorable granddaughters.
Valerie writes Farm Lit with the voice of experience laced with humor. Raspberries and Vinegar, first in her series A Farm Fresh Romance, released August 1, 2013. Visit her at these social sites.
▪ Website: http://valeriecomer.com
▪ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/valeriecomer.author
▪ Twitter: http://twitter.com/valeriecomer http://twitter.com/towritestory
▪ Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/valeriecomer
▪ Blog: http://valeriecomer.com/blog
▪ Writing Blog & Free eCourse: http://towriteastory.com
▪ What is FarmLit?
Beverly Nault writes fiction and nonfiction about all kinds of Fresh Starts, and would love to hear about yours. Find her at www.beverlynault.com and on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Debbie Malone
/ August 19, 2013Enjoyed the post, Bev!
Debbie Malone
“Death in Dahlonega”
“Murder in Marietta”