by Lisa Prysock
Hello Grace and Faith 4U readers and writers! It is an honor to submit this post. I am reminded of how God orchestrates everything in the life of a believer for our good. When asked about writing an article for this blog, the timing could not be any better as this week, I am releasing a brand new devotional: Arise Warrior Princess!
Typically I write Christian Fiction Historical Romance. However, I’ve always wanted to write a devotional. It’s been on my heart for many years, and long before I actually published my first book. Usually, when I’m near the end of writing a book, the Lord will impress upon me the theme for the next book He wants me to write. You can imagine my surprise and delight when He spoke to my heart about writing that devotional!
In my journey with the Lord, He has ministered “Arise” words to me from the Word on numerous occasions, but particularly as I began my writing career. I do not think I would have stepped out in faith to write as much as I have without His clear direction and encouragement. I decided I just couldn’t keep all of this marvelous inspiration and personal revelation to myself. That’s really how Arise Warrior Princess was birthed.
Here’s the cover of this brand new release:
It can be used as a personal devotional or in a small group Bible Study. At about 200 pages, about half of the chapters are in depth and half are short and sweet. I share pieces of my testimony, anecdotes, inspirational quotes, my own research, and personal insight. There are questions at the end of each chapter with space to write in the answers in the standard print version. (The questions are also included in the kindle version.) Each devotional includes an inspirational picture, scriptures, power words and phrases, a daily challenge, a suggested prayer, and questions.
When I first shared the cover with my ACFW local chapter, the writers loved this cover. Their reaction helped to spur me on. I wanted something that would reflect the decision we each have to make at some point in our lives to dig in our heels of faith no matter what else has happened or is happening… and hold on for the ride. We can’t let anyone steal our faith or our purpose here on the earth from us. I also wanted something that would reflect that we are joint heirs with Christ and as such, royalty in God’s Kingdom.
One of the writers said not only would she enjoy the book (we are both moms of teens), but she thought this cover would especially appeal to young adults. I thought that was amazing since most of what I write is in the historical genre which tends to appeal to more mature audiences. This thought that my book might reach out to the younger generation (hopefully more mature audiences, too) hadn’t occurred to me yet. I was thrilled! I finally had something YA-ish to add to my list of genres.
I set out to find a few beta readers when it was complete. One finished reading the book in about two days. This beta reader was asked to fill in for a teen Sunday School class as the teacher. She asked if she could share a lesson from my new devotional with them last week –as the book had not released yet. I was delighted and said absolutely, yes!
I was on pins and needles wondering how it would go. She wrote back Sunday evening and said it was wonderful! The class loved it! I had tears in my eyes as she told me about this experience. She first read them the scriptures and then asked them to tell her what they thought the scriptures meant. Then she read them the lesson which had some bits and pieces of my personal testimony in it. She wrote, “Lisa, if you could have seen how their eyes lit up when I read that. They knew that had interpreted the verses correctly!” By this point I am practically sobbing with joy! She also scrambled the verses and had each teen draw a picture of each verse on the board (not in any particular order). Then they had to guess which verse the drawing matched. I thought that was a great exercise to go along with the particular chapter she had shared. She wrote that the class really seemed to enjoy it.
I didn’t expect any of this to happen, but it just goes to show how the Lord will take our efforts and use them in unexpected ways. I hope this encourages all of the writers out there to keep writing, and also not to be afraid to remain pliable with regard to trying something different or new in your writing! You never know what the Lord will do or how He might use your work to further the causes of God’s Kingdom—so ARISE writing warriors!
This book is available in a beautiful paperback full color standard print version. It is also available in a black and white on cream paper. The kindle version is available for each of these, but on some electronic devices it may still appear in color no matter which kindle version you download. Arise Princess Warrior is also available in the Kindle Unlimited program for the next 90 days. Here is a link to the kindle version, and may the Lord bless each of you in your writing and reading endeavors as you seek to Honor Him:
About the Author:
When she was thirteen she knew what she wanted to be: a mother and a writer! Lisa says she went on a detour a number of times but the Lord generously allowed both of her dreams to happen.
Lisa M. Prysock is the author of “To Find a Duchess,” a Regency Inspirational Romance and two more Historical Christian Romance books with Kentucky settings in the Victorian Era, “Hannah’s Garden: a Turn of the Century Love Story,” and “Abigail’s Melody,” Volume 1 and 2 in a series titled “The Victorian Christian Heritage Series.”
“I don’t know how it happens but most of my books end up in beautiful England at some point and two start out in gorgeous, rolling Kentucky…”
Kentucky inspires her writing and is home. She is happily married to her husband of seventeen years and homeschools two of their five children. She has a son in college and two stepdaughters, grown. Lisa grew up in the Ohio Valley and also spent her early childhood years in Minnesota on a farm. “Yes, there were chickens, a cow named Daisy and even horses one summer, a huge vegetable garden, fishing and snowmobiles!”
Lisa remembers writing her very first book in kindergarten in Wisconsin, with help from the teacher and a stapler. “It was a book about ‘Curious George.’ I couldn’t spell yet but the teacher wrote words beneath my illustrations for what I wanted to say on each page.” She has been writing ever since. She won a prize for a short story in 8th grade and remembers buying a manual typewriter with her first ever babysitting earnings.
Lisa is a huge fan of the “Little House on the Prairie” series, the “Anne of Green Gables” collection, the Jane Austen collection, C.S. Lewis books, “Heidi,” “Christy,” “Jane Eyre,” and “Little Women.” She loves writing family oriented, classic style literature: a little less conversation and a lot more detail and background. She also loves sharing her faith in Christ with her readers. She believes people just need to know how wonderful He is and attributes her dream of writing coming true entirely to Him.
She gives a portion of the proceeds of her books each month to missionaries and evangelists to further the gospel. She is currently writing her eighth book, and she recently completed “The Lydia Collection.” For more information about Lisa and to find out when her next book will launch, she can be found at: www.LisaPrysock.com