Accomplishments for 2013 by Russell Sherrard

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Every year about this time we publish the accomplishments over the past year of our members. I have noticed that when you put them down in writing we have accomplished a great deal. I, as I am sure you all are, looking forward to what the new year 2014 brings. And may we all pray that our accomplishments bring glory and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And now, the accomplishments of our members in their own words.

Ada Brownell I sold nine articles to Christian publications, my novel, Joe the Dreamer: the Castle and the Catapult was released in January; my motivational Bible study, Imagine the Future You, was released in November; and an excerpt of Swallowed by Life was published by The Pentecostal Evangel in its Reading for Spiritual Health edition. I have a historical romance novel almost ready to go to an editor. My Amazon author page is

Heather Hart My husband and I officially launched a ministry for teen guys Find Your True Strength and he co-authored a book we published as well. Shelley Hitz and I started a new website for authors Training Authors and published a total of 7 books for authors and co-authored one for teen girls. It’s been a year of changes, but I know we’re pressing forward to bring glory to Christ and help other authors do the same.

Valerie Friesen Comer Thankful to have contracted a 3-book series with Choose NOW Publishing, and to have seen the release of the first book, Raspberries and Vinegar: A Farm Fresh Romance (by Valerie Comer)

Corine Hyman During 2013, I was able to start helping people identify Christian production with my websites Teaching Christs Children . My first book, Why We Give Gifts at Christmas Time became the #1 best seller in its category. I also published my second book My Journey With Jesus Christ and my first downloadable book- Why I Give: An Activity Book. Signed a contact with Tate Publishing for two books. Finally, I launched a website dedicated to my books Books by Corine . 2014 will bring at least two more Christian Children Books the first is scheduled to be release at the end of January 2014 and the second in the summer 2014.

Rikki Strong I will have published two books Flash and Patient Love, and by the end of the year I will have written over 250,000 words (book reviews, blog posts, and writing books… facebook, emails, etc., weren’t counted). Only 3996 words left to go! I have a new website, too.
RM Strong Books

Shaina Cilimberg I have three Christian Teen books in the Deep River High Series

Debra Ullrick My greatest accomplishment this year was I completed a novel. After not being able to do so since August 2012, it was a glorious feeling. That novel, Reunited at Christmas, has sold 1,466 copies in just 5 days and received 18 – 5 star reviews and hit many #1 Bestseller lists. God is SO good.

Staci Stallings I’ll chime in. I cofounded my second major Christian writing group: CrossReads which has an emphasis on not just helping authors but on connecting them with readers as well. The site is now up to 1,300+ newsletter subscribers and has hosted many, multiple Book Blasts, getting the best of the best in Christian works into the hands of readers! So honored to be a part of the Grace & Faith writing community and now the CrossReads writing/reading community! Blessed beyond measure!

Russell Sherrard My Author Interview eBook is almost done and will be done a couple of days into the new year so technically it is this year. I started working on another Bible Reading Bible that I really believe is life changing if the reader will stick to it. I will be releasing it in 3 versions next year. Last but not least I have had a blog and eBook store for some time but just this year I have split it into 2 blogs and 2 eBook stores. Some of the postings on the original blog were just not right for the kind of blog I was running so I split them and made one of them a spiritual/religious blog selling strictly religious eBooks and posting strictly religious posts. The original blog and store the posts have to do with business, self-help, inspiration/motivation and religion/spiritual. This is also where I will post my author interviews, guest posts for authors, and any author book promotions. Also, this year I started a weekly newspaper for Christian Indie authors called Weekly Christian Indie News. It is a weekly newspaper of, by, and for the Christian Indie Author. We have the news about Christian Indie Authors and the Christian Indie Publishing Industry. And one other thing, I have just started running Staci Stallings Grace N Faith 4 U blog that I am quite excited about. I have already learned so much from her and from posting for the blog about WordPress and it has helped me in my blogging on both of my own blogs. Looking forward to what the next year holds.

Growing Through Grace Bookstore Blog
Growing Through Grace Bookstore
Sherrard’s eBook Resellers Blog
Sherrard’s eBook Resellers eBook Store
Weekly Christian Indie News

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  1. Wonderful accomplishments and God-given talents. Blessings, BJ

  2. Look what The Lord has done through His vessels! Awesome! Continued blessings in 2014 and throughout your lives.


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