A Writer’s Unbelief

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By Laura J. Marshall

Dear God in Heaven, what have I just promised?


These thoughts haunt me. They tease me in their weightiness and echo through my mind. I’m a writer. I write. And I scare myself to death on a regular basis.


I make promises of the written word, stories of life and love, faith and hope. Who am I to pledge such assurance in character and prose?


I sigh and languish. Doubt fires my insides and licks at my heart. Fear takes root. I hesitate. Ponder.


Unbelief in what this is. How this has come to be plaque me as the words chain me. Must I write? Must I risk again?


Yes. The words call and whisper, wrapping vines of green about my limbs, creeping ever slowly to overtake thought until they are stronger than the doubt. Stronger than the unbelief.


The stories tease me in their fullness, their need heavy on my humanness….too frail to carry them for long, I release them to the page. I have faced them once again: Terror, worry, timidity, rejection.


Trusting God to reap and harvest my impoverished attempts. And as I hope in the sureness of God’s placement for some eternal good, a hint of a sumptuous meal catches on the wind and teases my senses.


Matthew 25:25 “And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.”


lauraLaura J. Marshall writes best-selling Christian romance and devotionals. She is a mom of five boys. She operates a popular blog called The Old Stone Wall which hosts and promotes Christian Authors and encourages interaction between readers and authors. You can find out more about Laura and her books online at www.LauraJMarshall.com.




Laura’s newest book is “Faith, Love, and Fried Chicken” a serial novel. Catch the first installment on Amazon and Barnes & Noble for 99Cents.


What Reviewers are Saying:


It had me laughing out loud at some places and I grinned during at least 2/3 of the story. One of the few stories that I’d ever call adorable.


The innocence and intensity of their love was like listening to a sweet song of longing that is brought to life with a fun and lively rhythm. To watch Jaycee awaken to her feelings for Dash was pure enjoyment peppered with giggles and infused with a soft yet meaningful sigh.



Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Faith-Love-Fried-Chicken-ebook/dp/B00E3JWR82/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1375023577&sr=1-5

Barnes&Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/faith-love-and-fried-chicken-laura-j-marshall/1116150486?ean=2940148627975




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