Send to Kindle CrossReads Book Spotlight Charity and the Seven Sisters (Love Everlasting Book 3) by Joi Copeland Tragedy can bring them together or tear them apart….. Charity Watson lost her mother at an early age. Growing up in Boston with only her father, servants, and maid, Eliza, she learned how to take care of […]
CrossReads Book Spotlight: Charity and the Seven Sisters 3/31/2022
CrossReads Short Takes: Wheat and Tares & Angels, Eagles and Fire 3/30/2022
Send to Kindle CrossReads Short Takes Wheat and Tares (A Woman Like Me Book 2) by Sadie Cuffe & Sophie Cuffe Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try, it’s never enough? Your heart seams are coming unglued by the relentless demands of a busy life. You resort to “if onlys” – […]
LifeForce 3/29/2022
by Suzanne D. Williams They took Him away. Hated. Shunned. Turning their faces aside because the form and shape of Him was so gruesome. Unrecognizable. But inside, deep down where it counts, where the core of all decisions and choices are made, in the center of His being, was a Man who knew […]
CrossReads Weekly Devotional: Verse of the Day and Devotional 3/28/2022
Send to Kindle March 28th, 2022 Scripture …for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. – 1 John 5:4-5 NIV Devotion What does the word […]
In the Temple, Part I 3/25/2022
by Staci Stallings There are certain stories in the Bible that I’ve heard all of my life, and for some unknown reason I don’t “get it” for a long time. Then suddenly new insight breaks through, and WOW! I’ll never read or hear that story the same way again. One of those stories […]
CrossReads Book Spotlight: Paths of Righteousness 3/24/2022
Send to Kindle CrossReads Book Spotlight Paths of Righteousness by Sharon K Connell Despite the love of her adoptive family, the loss of Kathryn’s parents and her brother has left a hole in her heart. To cope, she pours herself into her career at a medical clinic. Unwanted advances from a staff member adds fuel […]
CrossReads Short Takes: Children of the Godhead & That’s Debatable 3/23/2022
Send to Kindle CrossReads Short Takes Children of the Godhead Reconciled to God Through Jesus Christ by Diane Margo Penny King David asked the question, “What is man, that thou are mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” (Ps. 8:4) People today are still searching for answers to this age-old […]
Book Spotlight: A Match for Bernadette 3/22/2022
Book Spotlight A Match for Bernadette Marianne’s Mail Order Bride #11 by Parker J Cole Bernadette and Flavius’s story coming soon!
CrossReads Weekly Devotional: Gems from Pastor Jim 3/21/2022
Send to Kindle by Jim Hughes Matt. 17: 19-20 Afterward the disciples asked Jesus privately, “Why couldn’t we cast out that demon?” “You didn’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I assure you, even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ […]
In the Temple, Part II 3/18/2022
by Staci Stallings In the first part of “In the Temple,” we looked at how Mary and Joseph lost Jesus after the Passover Feast, and it took them three days to find Him. When they did, they found Him in the Temple, listening, asking, and even doing a little teaching. Mary was angry […]