by Jim Hughes Is. 30:15 The Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel says, “Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it!” Some of you reading this today have wandered away from the Lord. […]
Gems From Pastor Jim 4/30/2019
CrossReads Weekly Devotional: 5 Ways to Increase Intimacy with God

Send to Kindle by Ruth O’Neil People are often looking to have a more intimate relationship with God. However, they don’t look too hard and they don’t work at it. There are so many things you can do to increase the intimacy. Many of them are so obvious, we overlook them. Prayer is an obvious, […]
Faith’s Checkbook: Gracious Dealing
by Charles Haddon Spurgeon “And the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all that thou doest” (Deuteronomy 15:18). An Israelitish master was to give his bondservant liberty in due time, and when he left his service he was to start him in life with a liberal portion, This was to be done […]
Verse of the Day and Devotional 4/25/2019
by Bible League International Verse of the Day and Devotion When they had pasture, they were filled; They were filled and their heart was exalted; Therefore they forgot Me. – Hosea 13:6 NKJV Devotion You were stuck in your personal version of Egypt, your personal version of sin and slavery. Like the ancient […]
What’s NEXT?
by Rebekah Beene For some people it seems that when they are down and out they just get into a funk. They wonder what’s NEXT. And they anticipate more dread, worse outcomes, failures, flops and troubles. I’ve been accused of being a Pollyanna. If you’re not acquainted with the old Disney movie “Pollyanna” […]
Gems From Pastor Jim 4/23/2019
by Jim Hughes Is. 29:16 “How stupid can you be? He is the Potter, and he is certainly greater than you. You are only the jars he makes! Should the thing that was created say to the one who made it, “He didn’t make us”? Does a jar ever say, “The potter who […]
Two Giveaways & a New Release
by Lisa Prysock Hello GNF friends and readers. It’s GIVEAWAY time! I hope you had a blessed Easter celebration surrounded by family, friends, the Lord’s presence, and great food! Spring is here and I’m anxious to get out in my garden and plant flowers and veggies. Before you know it, summer will be […]
Faith’s Checkbook: An Expert Searcher 4/19/2019
by Charles Haddon Spurgeon “”For thus saith the LORD God; Behold, I, even I, will both search My sheep, and seek them out” (Ezekiel 34:11). This He does at the first when His elect are like wandering sheep that know not the Shepherd or the fold. How wonderfully doth the LORD find out […]
Verse of the Day and Devotion 4/18/2019
by Bible League International Verse of the Day and Devotion Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body. – Romans 12:4-5 NLT Devotion In our verse for today, “Christ’s body” is used by the […]
Faith’s Checkbook: Enemies at Peace 4/17/2019
by Charles Haddon Spurgeon “When a man’s ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him” (Proverbs 16:7). I must see that my ways please the LORD. Even then I shall have enemies; and, perhaps, all the more certainly because I endeavor to do that which is […]