by Suzanne Williams I wrote a scene the other day and heard the voices protesting it with every letter that I typed. “Don’t say that.” “Don’t go there.” It hit me afterward. So much of Christian writing has become about coddling Christians. It’s there to keep us in our glorified bubbles, untouched by […]
Stop Playing Church
Gems From Pastor Jim by Pastor Jim Hughes
by Jim Hughes Ps. 119:51 The proud hold me in utter contempt, but I do not turn away from your law. Pride comes before a fall. When pride rules, we become self-focused. We begin to think that we are God. We forget who we are and our place in life. The proud have […]
Druid’s Spear Excerpt
by Parker J. Cole Ken Aoki’s world is shattered with the loss of his mother. All that is left is two strange objects she willed to him. If the doomsayers all over the media are right, and everything is soon to end, then at least the apocalypse will end his pain. When he […]
How Jesus Dealt with People
by Michael J. Findley Throughout His ministry, occasionally Jesus dealt with those who openly rejected Him, such as Herod and the Romans who were like the atheists/secular humanists of today. So [Herod] continued to question [Jesus] for a long time, but Jesus gave him no answer at all. (Luke 23:9, ISV) Several times […]
Gems From Pastor Jim
by Jim Hughes Ps. 119:49-50 Remember your promise to me, for it is my only hope. Your promise revives me, it comforts me in all my troubles. It is okay to ask the Lord to remember His promises to you. When you are reminded of a promise of God, tell the Lord what […]
Prayer, Prayers, and Praying
by Rebekah Beene “Dear Lord, thank You for a beautiful day” is how my bedtime prayers always started. Then with my mom by my side we’d go through the take care of’s. “Take care of momma and daddy…” and on down the line throughout our family. You could say I’ve been praying for […]
The Spiritual Discipline of Fasting
by Charles Stanley Acts 13:1-3 Fasting has two important components. One is abstention, which eliminates distractions. The other is undivided attention on God, which allows connection with Him on a deeper level. Daniel was living under captivity in Babylon when he read God’s promise to free the Israelites after a certain period of […]
Nothing is too Hard
by L. G. Cowman “Is there anything too hard for Jehovah?” (Gen. 18:14). Here is God’s loving challenge to you and to me today. He wants us to think of the deepest, highest, worthiest desire and longing of our hearts, something which perhaps was our desire for ourselves or for someone dear to […]