This is a yearly post of the accomplishments over the course of 2015. As I was looking over each of the entries we all have accomplished quite a lot. Looking at them collectively, we accomplished a monumental amount. Click on each of the author images to go to the authors Amazon page and the books they have written. Now without further ado here are our…..
Accomplishments for 2015
Jim Hughes
Not much here, Russ. I have only strived to be faithful to what the Lord has given me to do. I did meet my goal of reading through the Word five times this year, if that means anything.
Ada Brownell
- New book, Facts, Faith & Propaganda, March 25.
- 14 devotions for Take Five Plus
- Op-ed pieces in newspapers. “Love is more than Americans Think,” and “Why I am a Christian.” The articles appeared in The Pueblo Chieftain and “Why I am a Christian” also appeared in The Springfield News-Leader after some changes.
- Article for Book Fun Magazine, “Miracle in the Invisible.”
- Chapter in the book, Under His Shadow, “Help from the Portals of Heaven.”
- Sold article to Live, Live in the Emergency Room.
- Had two book signings. One at the Missouri Southern District campmeeting and the other at Central Assembly’s Women’s Fall Brunch.
- Taught two workshops at Ozarks Chapter of American Christian Writers.
- Completed 70,000 words on the sequel to The Lady Fugitive, The Peach Blossom Rancher.
- Continued writing for blogs, especially www.Inkfromanearthenvessel.blogspot.com
- The Lady Fugitive was a runner-up for the 2015 Laurel Award.
Michael and Mary Findley
Findley Family Video has been concentrating this year on producing shorter works and have published around a dozen —
1. Ice age historical fiction to re-enforce with the Conflict of the Ages homeschool curriculum. (A total of 5 stories)
2. A Serial Archaeological Mystery to re-enforce points in our nonfiction work Antidisestablishmentarianism. (Seven serial episodes)
3. Book 3 in the Steampunk Literary tribute series.
4. A short work of allegorical fantasy, a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood
5. A Contemporary romantic suspense
6. Many cover designs for other authors.some of which have achieved bestseller status.
CJ Peterson
This is the time of year to look back and see what your year looked like. There are many things that could be considered successes. How do you measure yours? I measure them by the heart and also by what my husband and I accomplish together. We do everything together, which I consider to be a major success in this day and age. As youth group leaders, our successes include those many ‘lightbulb’ moments we get to see when the teen finally understands who they are in God’s eyes. As friends, our strength and love are enhanced as we become closer to each of those friends God has given us who have become brothers and sisters. As and author, with my husband’s support and unwavering encouragement, four books were published this year, finishing off the Grace Restored Series. (Book 1 was published in NOV2014.) With each day, each vacation, each visitor who stayed in our home, each teen we get to see each week, and each blessing God has given us, our year has been an amazing one! I pray the next year to be just as successful for us, and for each of you! May God bless you and yours in 2016! God bless, C.J. Peterson (http://cjpetersonwrites.com/)
Cathy Bryant
Miller’s Creek Forgiveness Collection (Christian Contemporary Romantic Mystery/Suspense and Companion Bible Study) http://www.amazon.com/Millers-Creek-Forgiveness-Collection-Contemporary-ebook/dp/B00RNRJDEC/
- Crossroads (Miller’s Creek Novel, Book 6 – Christian Contemporary Romance) http://www.amazon.com/CROSSROADS-Millers-Creek-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B00U8KE12K/
- Believe & Know: The Search For Truth (LifeSword Bible Study on giving a defense for faith – companion Bible study to Crossroads) http://www.amazon.com/BELIEVE-KNOW-Search-Giving-Defense-ebook/dp/B00WTJUKVE
- Miller’s Creek Collection 2 (Christian contemporary romance and romantic mystery/suspense) http://www.amazon.com/MILLERS-CREEK-COLLECTION-Christian-Contemporary-ebook/dp/B0175PN0DQ/
- Pieces On Earth (Christian contemporary women’s fiction – Christmas novella) http://www.amazon.com/PIECES-EARTH-Christian-Fiction-Christmas-ebook/dp/B017FV5AAG/
- I’ve also written most of the lousy first draft of the seventh Miller’s Creek novel. 🙂
Suzanne Williams
My biggest accomplishment this year was releasing 24 books/novellas. That’s 2 a month. 🙂
Patricia PacJac Carroll
2015 has been a wonderful year for me. I published 10 new books or novellas. You can find them on my Amazon Author Page
The Lone Stranger, Redeeming Lilly, The Lady and the Scamp
Greta’s Story, Maggie’s Story
Nettie’s Love, A Bluebonnet Misfit Christmas
Constance: Bride of Florida
Saving Christmas
The Richest Christmas
The Lord has taught me lessons to help with my writing and let me know that He is the story giver. I can only praise Him for the stories He gives me and pray that they will encourage others in the faith. Praising Him for the gift He has given me.
Russell Sherrard
I wrote Genesis: Book of Beginnings http://goo.gl/H5DnBB the first in the series Journey Through the Bible. This book is now in paperback with CreateSpace Genesis: Book of Beginnings https://goo.gl/gqtkWY
I started a bookstore which has 4,000+ Digital Items in 57 Categories Most items $1.00 http://goo.gl/7NzMal Sherrard’s eBook Resellers. I also started a newsletter associated with this book store and my blog http://www.sherrardsebookresellers.com/WordPress/
I just finished a new book Life Changing Bible Reading System http://goo.gl/QKQN4j which is available Free permanently on my Web Store Sherrard’s eBook Resellers
I continued to manage two blogs for fellow authors Grace and Faith 4 You http://graceandfaith4u.com/ and CrossReads http://crossreads.com/ and managed the CrossReads Newsletter and will in 2016 add management of an authors personal newsletter.
I started managing the social media campaign on Twitter for another author and Christian Book Finds http://christianfictionebooks.blogspot.com/