All posts for the month October, 2013


Suzanne D. Williams Today we have one of our most active GNFA authors. She’s here to tell us a little more about herself and her book,  Suzanne,what inspired this story? Actually, I dreamed it in its entirety. I saw every character, every scene, heard the dialogue in my head, and only had to […]

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CrossReads Book Blast: Carlene Havel’s “Here Today Gone Tomorrow”

Send to Kindle Here Today Gone Tomorrow By Carlene Havel About the Book Disappointed, dumped, divorced. Everything Casey Slaughter counted on is gone. While contemporaries start their families, Casey works two jobs to haul herself out of debt. Friends and family recommend a new husband to solve all her problems, but Casey resists their well-intentioned […]

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Holding the Door

By Staci Stallings I’m always amazed by the lessons I learn teaching Sunday School.  Last week was a good example. I teach fourth grade, which is an interesting age.  These kids are just starting their faith journey.  They are not theologians. Their faith is pretty basic and very practical, and I’m convinced that […]

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Tripping Over Prepositions, Coming Apart at the Seems

By Precarious Yates Lately, in the process of learning to write with greater power and skill, there are two aspects of my writing that I’m combating: Using a preposition in the place of a verb. *shudder* Using ‘almost’, ‘seemed’ and ‘tried’ in the place of what my characters are really doing. Attacking these […]

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Feeling like a Misfit

By Joana Melisia James The following is an excerpt from “Trusting God with Your Future” the second volume of the Soul Food series. This book is FREE for Kindle TODAY (October 23, 2013)   The world’s values are often the opposite of God’s values. This can often cause Christians to feel like misfits. Many […]

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Staying Relevant (but keeping violence in YA fiction under control)

by Deborah Heal A Dangerous Trend I don’t believe fiction, especially Christian fiction for young people, needs gratuitous violence to make the plot exciting. I was happy to discover Wall Street Journal book reviewer Meghan Cox Gurdon and her Imprimus article, “The Case for Good Taste in Children’s Books.” In it she gives examples of […]

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Pointing To Christ

By Heather Hart Today, my little boy turns 9. His birthday is always easier than his older brothers, but it’s still no less hard for me as a mom to realize that he won’t be little forever. 9 years ago he was born. So little and pure. Yet, as a mom, I have […]

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Book Blast: The 21 Day Challenge!

Send to Kindle Get 5 FREE eBooks – 2 Days Only 10/17/13 and 10/18/13 PLUS enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!   Why 21 Days? It’s a commonly known fact that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. You may spend 21 days trying to form a good exercise routine or […]

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By Ada Nicholson Brownell   Today I completed going through the proof of my new book, Imagine the Future You. Hopefully, it’s the last edit I’ll need to do. Info for the book, written for teens and young adults, had been hanging around my desk and computers since the early1990s. The book grew […]

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Digging Up Your Past so You Can Resurrect Your Future

By Gina Conroy Sometimes when writing a novel, the story takes on a life of its own. The words and themes seem to flow naturally, without much thought, and by some miracle, it all seems to work together. As if God planned it that way. That’s how it was with Digging Up Death. […]

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