All posts for the month November, 2012

Interview with Vicki Tiede

Today we welcome author Vicki Tiede to discuss her latest book When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography: Healing Your Wounded Heart. Welcome, Vicki. They say, “write what you know.” How did this book come about for you? This is my story. In my first marriage, my husband regularly engaged with pornography. I […]

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Dreams and Doubts

By Laura J. Marshall Sometimes the doubts can overwhelm the dream.  But more than believing in ourselves, we must believe in God; for we know the heaviness of our flesh and our sinful nature.  We must remember that God placed that gift, the gift of our dreams, that burning desire inside of each […]

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God’s Will – We can’t skip the process, even when it’s frustrating.

Bedtime was miserable tonight. My four year old was in full fit-mode at every turn. If you’re a parent, you know that bedtime is not optional. It happens every night, without fail, regardless of tantrum or debate. Bedtime happens because sleep is critical, because tomorrow comes, and with it, the promise of a […]

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Tralisa McNeal: Love Me Sane

Send to Kindle Would you like to know how to build a relationship with God after you’ve lived so long in a Godless world? Do you want to know how to transform yourself from victim to valor when you think all hope is lost? Are you searching for answers when you are unsure of the questions? If you […]

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Capture the Memories

By Mary Anne Benedetto It seems as though we were just in the midst of the heat of summer with its tornado and hurricane warnings, floods, and humidity so thick it sometimes felt like you could chop it with a machete. Now here we are rapidly approaching the holiday season! Whether you are […]

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