by Patricia PacJac Carroll
I was going to write a different post. Our anniversary is July 13th. Forty-three years of a happy marriage. My happily-ever-after story. Then something happened.
We’re having our house painted and rotted wood replaced. The workers just started yesterday. The first one to arrive, Allan, introduced himself and waited for the rest to show up. Nice man. That was as much as I knew about him.
He died that day on the way home from work.
I’ll never see him again. No one will.
This morning, the rest of his coworkers are pounding away and continuing on with their lives. Life, and death, are that way. One life ends, another is born, and life goes on.
I’m glad to say I was friendly and welcoming to Allan. But it is such a warning to watch what you say to others for you never know if you will ever see them again.
What does the Bible say? 1 Peter 1:24 (KJV) For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
How fearfully and wonderfully we are made. Strong and resilient enough to endure such hardship, yet our lives are held on a tender thread. But take comfort for the Lord holds that thread in His hands. He knows the days of our lives. The time when our life in earth will end.
But we do not know.
Today, hold those you love close, and those you despise treat with kindness. For no one knows the day or hour when their thread will be cut and their life ended. Keep close to the Lord and keep an attentive ear to the Spirit and His leadings.
Be quick to give the Good News and just as quick to treat others as you want to be treated. That teller at the bank that is taking too long, the person in front of you in the less-than-twenty line at Walmart who clearly needs remedial math, the driver who cut you off – any one of them may or may not be here tomorrow.
You never know.
But how comforting to know that you treated them with kindness. That you weren’t rude, but caring. That you didn’t yell at them, but prayed for them. Smile – it doesn’t hurt. Beef up your vocabulary with words that bring life, encourage, and lift up.
Throw out the harsh, beat down words that have flooded our culture. Yes, in many ways, we live in a culture of death. Just watch the news and movies. But we are strategically placed in this world by a Knowing God. He’s put us as lights to lead others to Him. Don’t dim your light with meanness.
For you never know. I have a new book out ~ Treasured Love https://www.amazon.com/Treasured-Love-Treasure-Harbor-Book-ebook/dp/B01HLIUY7C/
Kori James is looking for treasure and a fresh start. What she’s not looking for is a good time with a handsome, care-free guy. She’s been there done that and fears following in her mother’s staggering footsteps.
Max Triton loves the sea and has a reputation of loving the ladies as well. But things are changing. For one, the town has been flooded with treasure hunters looking for the Burton-Callahan lost treasure. Max wants nothing to do with lost bounty. Then he sees Kori and a hidden place in his heart is unlocked.
Patricia PacJac Carroll~ I am a writer, Christian first, and blessed beyond my imagination. I live in the Dallas-Ft Worth area of Texas with my wonderful treasure of a husband, my spoiled dog, Jacs, and my awesome grown son, Josh. Did I say I was blessed? The PacJac is from my initials and my husbands. I wouldn’t be able to write if it weren’t for him.I love adventure and the open road. The stories of the western era have always been a favorite of mine. I enjoy writing, and my goal is to write stories readers will enjoy.
Hope you are enjoying the series ~ Mail Order Brides of Hickory Stick. I’ll have a new series this year set in Montana – Solomon’s Valley ~ First book is The Feud.
My blogs http://patriciapacjaccarroll.blogspot.com/
Also on FB http://www.facebook.com/PatriciaPacJacCarrollAuthor
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Email pacjaccarroll@aol.com
You can find all my books on my Patricia PacJac Carroll Amazon Author Page http://www.amazon.com/Patricia-PacJac-Carroll/e/B008R9JCN2/
And if you want to know when my next HEA book is coming out – sign up for my newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bpPmbP
/ July 13, 2016Patty, please keep on sharing your pearls of wisdom with us. You are a very gifted writer and beautiful person.