November 2, 2021
Jesus taught that loving God is the greatest commandment, and that the second greatest command is to love our neighbor as ourselves. Then one of the greatest questions must be “What is love?” In 1 Corinthians 13, we find a beautiful answer. Paul’s words guide our understanding of love based on God’s love for us. And we can apply that to our love for God as well as for our neighbor.
Only God will satisfy a heart, even the heart of David who was labeled a man after God’s own heart. This is the essence of what it means to love God: to be satisfied in Him. We are created to be satisfied in God, not just His gifts, but God Himself as the glorious God that He is!
Loving God includes obeying all His commands; it includes believing all His Word; and it includes thanking Him for all His gifts. But all that is overflow. The essence of loving God is admiring and enjoying all He is. This true enjoyment of God will make all our other responses glorifying to him. We all know this intuitively and we see it in Scripture. Do we feel most honored by the love of those who serve us because it is their duty, or because of a genuine satisfaction and delight from our fellowship? Our God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.
None of us has arrived at perfect satisfaction in God. I grieve often over the murmuring of my heart when I lose some earthly comfort or convenience. But I have tasted that the Lord is good. By God’s grace I now know the fountain of everlasting joy. Let’s cling to Him and experience His everlasting love that is always there for us.
By Daniel Devadoss, Bible League International staff, India
Inspirational Image of the Day