by Lisa Prysock
Genesis 24
58 And they called Rebekah, and said unto her, Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I will go. 59 And they sent away Rebekah their sister, and her nurse, and Abraham’s servant, and his men. 60 And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou art our sister, be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.
I love the story of Rebekah at the well! The blessing above speaks volumes to my heart! What a blessing to be given! What’s more exciting is that we know from history that this blessing came to pass! Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob became the patriarchs of an entire nation… and then some.
This motivates me to study Rebekah’s traits to see what God saw in her that He chose her to become the wife of the patriarch Isaac and a mother to the nation of Israel. We too can stand on this promise and blessing to become Godly spiritual mothers to as many as God will allow us. As a writer, I often pray this blessing over my books hoping and believing that it is entirely possible that the Lord may allow my books to touch many hearts and bring others healing, comfort, and joy. Though my books may or may not reach thousands of millions, it is entirely possible that they could profoundly impact at least a few hearts. It is entirely possible that they may impact many more… and each day I keep believing that, amazed at what God did with Rebekah!
Many of you know the story well. To recap, Abraham’s servant is looking for someone in particular to marry his Master’s son; someone who will not just draw water at the well for him, but someone who will also offer to draw water for his camels after their long journey. I find it interesting that the servant commanded the camels to kneel at the well during the time of day when he knew the damsels of the region would come out to draw water. I can picture those thirsty camels kneeling down around the well waiting for water. I imagine the trusted servant journeyed with quite a few camels… We know from the other passages in Genesis 24 that Rebekah did indeed draw water for Abraham’s servant and also for the camels. We know that she offered this of her own volition.
I believe Rebekah had the very traits that God had placed within her and allowed to develop in her which He desired to pass on through the future mother unto the nation of Israel. She had kindness first and foremost. She cared not only about the stranger within the city gates, but the animals with the stranger. She possessed etiquette, hospitality, generosity, and excellent manners. She was poised, strong, healthy, and had good balance, able to carry a pitcher. She proved herself to be a dependable part of her household, showing up at the well when the other damsels from around the region also arrived. This shows that she was not only sociable and friendly, but responsible and willing to do her part of the household chores.
I see humility in Rebekah. She was unashamed to perform the menial task of drawing water. Neither was she afraid to approach the stranger. Someone like Rebekah would be excited about meeting people and unafraid of adventure or travel. She wasn’t overly shy or overly cautious. She was willing to take a risk that the stranger was not harmful. Rebekah displayed that she had above average intuition, made intelligent deductions about the stranger, and possessed an inner positivity and healthy sense that all would be well if she spoke to the stranger. This is the first instance in which I find that she was likely on the joyous side with a cheerful disposition, a pleasing and happy demeanor. She was outgoing enough to strike up a conversation with a total stranger.
She was intentionally observant and looking for her opportunities. She noticed that the servant of Abraham had a need she might be able to fill in drawing water for his camels. She was not afraid to sign up for a new task or hard work. Rebekah displayed that she was considerate, compassionate, caring, helpful, and willing to do the right thing. She was willing to go the extra mile and self-motivated. She could have easily drawn water for the stranger and hurried along on her way home instead of watering the camels. Or, she might have ignored the stranger and his camels in order to return home faster to help prepare the supper meal or take on some other pressing matter of the household. She might have preferred to have spent her time socializing with the other damsels, but she instead turned her attention to the stranger when the others with her did not. Apparently, the other damsels ignored him and kept on going about their own duties. We don’t know how long the servant had to wait for her to show up, but we know that she is the only one who offered help to both the servant and his camels.
The Word tells us that she agreed to go with the servant the very next day in order to marry another stranger she’d never met before. She was unafraid to grasp opportunities that presented themselves and shrewdly detected that this situation was of God. She had a bit of mystery, fashion, beauty sense, and respect as the Word tells us she covered her face with a veil when she was about to meet Isaac, her future husband.
This has become a rich tradition for brides around the world to this very day. She was unafraid to embrace who God had made her to be and wisely enhanced her womanhood with a veil that conveyed respect, virtue, and even a bit of romantic mystery; even though the Bible tells us she was very fair to look upon. Therefore, I believe she would have had no need to hide her beauty or cover her face except out of respect, tradition, and romance. Remember that all through the ages women wore head coverings as a sign of respect and propriety.
There is more! She also became a comfort to Isaac after his mother’s passing. I believe that this passage speaks a testimony of Rebekah which was not only joyful, happy, and cheerful to be around, but that she was likely a good listener, a talented and virtuous homemaker, a wonderful companion, and a refreshing presence to Isaac… perhaps even playful. I believe she brought her new husband no sorrow and made Isaac laugh, creating a pleasant and happy atmosphere in her home.
Finally, in addition to all of this, I see that Rebekah was adaptable, independent, and courageous enough to embrace her new adventure. She did indeed make the most out of every opportunity, every chance encounter which God placed in her path. Can you hear her twin sons filling their home, the meadows, and fields with laughter as they frolic and play together as young brothers?
Author Biography:
Lisa M. Prysock lives in the countryside of beautiful, rolling Kentucky just outside of the greater Louisville area near horse farms and four board fences with her husband of 19 years. She homeschools the two youngest of their five children (three grown). She and her husband live in an average, two story, Colonial style home they are continually updating– with a funny looking Heinz 57 dog; an adorably dainty lady cat; two teenagers; a vegetable garden; numerous flower beds; and a tree house undergoing a remodel. When not in teaching or writing mode, she is teaching herself to play the piano and violin. In regards to that, she laughs: “It’s a pretty painful process, but I’m truly enjoying it!”
Lisa loves all things old-fashioned and has adopted a slogan of “The Old-Fashioned Everything Girl.” A few of her interests and passions include doll houses, long dresses and hats, gardening, reading the Classics, butterflies, swimming, walking, working out, cooking, sewing, crochet, cross stitching, arts and crafts, scrapbooking, decorating, and drawing. Recently, her husband remodeled a room in their home with a picture window overlooking a valley which contains a creek and wooded area, transforming the space into a serene and sublime writing office/sewing room. “It’s a great source of peace and inspiration for me… and pure joy not to be writing from the busy kitchen amidst the household chaos on a laptop. Growing teenagers eating every five minutes makes for a constant stream of happenings!”
Lisa is an Amazon bestselling author of To Find a Duchess, an Inspirational Regency Romance; a Victorian Christian Romance Series which includes Hannah’s Garden: a Turn of the Century Love Story and Abigail’s Melody; and ‘The Lydia Collection,’ which includes The Redemption of Lady Georgiana (a Ruth love story of modern day Regency proportions), Protecting Miss Jenna (an Antebellum Era Christian Romance Adventure), and Persecution & Providence (a ‘Jane Austen-ish’ mail order bride story from the Pioneer Era). She is also the author of a devotional/Bible Study, Arise Princess Warrior. She recently released The Shoemaker, an Old-Fashioned Christmas Regency Romance. Lisa writes clean and wholesome literature that shares her faith in Jesus Christ. She is a member of ACFW and Louisville Christian Writers. You can find out more about Lisa at: www.LisaPrysock.com