by Lynn Mosher
Once upon a time, twin sisters, Joy and Sorrow, lived in the same house with their Father, whose name was Comfort.
Joy skipped along her way enjoying every moment, savoring the sights and sounds of her everyday life, as her heart overflowed with praise and thanksgiving to her Father.
Sorrow, however, was somewhat defiant, rebelling against her Father, grumbling because of the pain in her life.
Nevertheless, they both experienced the same trials and heartaches, and yet, they each went about their day singing a different tune.
Joy’s jubilant chorus always brought pleasure to those around her with her harmonious voice and libretto of gaiety.
However, Sorrow constantly fought with Joy for dominance, trying harder to sing louder than her sister did. Sorrow’s somber song numbed the ears of those within hearing distance, as she chanted a dirge of lament with discordant notes and negative words.
Joy knew the sorrow of her sister; however, Sorrow had never known the joy of her sister.
One day, Sorrow complained to Joy, “You’re always so joyful; you’ve never experienced the sad things of life. You’ve never had your heart broken. You’ve never lost a love. You’ve never experienced health issues. You’ve never had everything taken away from you. You’ve never known dark nights of anguish, when tears stain your pillow. You’ve never known a path of loneliness.”
Joy responded, “Oh, for goodness sake! You know I have! I have gone through the same sufferings you have. But I’ve found that special comfort from Father that transcends sorrow. Without you, Sorrow, I could never sing…and you, Sorrow, can never make it through life without me.”
Sorrow walked off, with arms crossed and head bowed in dejection.
Father Comfort said to Sorrow, “There will always be sorrow and joy. And one without the other makes a soul incomplete, a heart lacking the full spectrum of grace.
“If you do not share in your sister’s joy, your cousin Despair may come knocking on your door. My consolation, My encouragement, is always yours for the asking.
“If you never knew sorrow, you would never know My joy; if you never knew pain, you would never know My healing; if you never knew heartache, you would never know My comfort.
“Without the darkest night, how would you appreciate the glorious dawn that follows? My joy is your strength.”
Saddened by His daughters’ discord, Father Comfort decided to adopt Grace. Joy was excited to have Grace inhabit the same house with them. But Sorrow? Sorrow just sighed.
Grace came with open arms, ready to receive both Joy and Sorrow. She embraced Joy and Sorrow, uniting them and making them complete in the Father.
From then on, Joy’s song deepened into comfort and Sorrow’s lament softened into thankfulness.
Grace walked hand in hand with Joy and Sorrow …“as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing.” (2 Cor. 6:10 NKJV)
“For I will turn their mourning to joy,
will comfort them,
and make them rejoice
rather than sorrow.”
(Jer. 31:13 NKJV)
From His feet, Lynn
At a time of physical upheaval in 2000, Lynn Mosher felt led of the Lord to take up her pen and write. With this new passion, she has embraced her mission to reach others through Christ-honoring literature, encouraging them in their walk and offering comfort through the written word. Lynn lives with her hubby (since 1966) in their Kentucky nest, emptied of three chicklets, and expanded by three giggly grand-chicklets, and an inherited dog. You can find out more about Lynn by visiting her website http://lynnmosher.com
Mary Gemmill
/ October 24, 2017Oh Lynn… I relate!!
Once, when in a “black hole” period of life, I cried out to God for JOY.
He said I had to first acknowledge the sorrow, before I could experience JOY.
I had become a master of hiding my deep feelings, even from myself!
Thankfully, once I brought my sorrow to God and admitted it, He turned my sorrow into JOY, and that time of my life is now a memory of all God did for me to help the next half of my life be much better, in every way.
A keeper! xx
Lisa Prysock
/ October 24, 2017This is so beautiful, and so very true. The Lord has turned my sorrows into dancing. I do believe thankfulness and grace are huge keys to our being able to grasp joy. Thank you for such a lovely post.