By Suzanne Williams
Writing is an ever-evolving process. What I wrote two years ago has changed from what I write today. The story I thought was great then, maybe needs work now. A good sign of maturity in a writer comes in knowing that.
At the same time, knowing it needs work and changing it is another matter, and I have a let-it-stand mentality. In my thinking, my past projects are a bit like vacation photos. I can look at them and remember what we did, where we went, where we maybe shouldn’t have gone, but I can’t take any of that back because those moments, as good or bad as they were, are a part of my life, part of who I am.
It’s the same with writing. No book is perfect. My first fiction book, Missing, I have to confess, I can’t read. But nor can I rewrite it. It stands as it is as a sign of my progress. Kind of a battle flag, if you will. And so does every other thing I’ve written since then. Looking behind me on my walk, I can see my footsteps, where I should’ve got left or right instead, where I should’ve expounded more or held back.
Which brings me to a key thought. Reviewers are always right, and reviewers are always wrong. Again, I’ll make a confession. I don’t read all my reviews. Part of this is for my own psyche because frankly, some people are crazy. On the other hand, I’ve read some that weren’t great but were entirely fair, and as hard as they were to swallow, I could see why they’d say that and how I could have done better.
But …
I have no intention of changing that particular story. It is a testament to where I was as a writer and a guidepost to becoming a better one. Someone says, “You wrote that too quickly.” Yeah, you’re right. I did. I should’ve slowed down, so I will on the next one. Someone else says, “This book is too short.” Yeah, you’re right. I could have given more detail here or there. I will next time.
Because writing is all about growth. It is telling a story one month and adapting it the next because you learned something. It’s acknowledging your weaknesses and working on them, but never, never, never being ashamed of where you are or where you’ve been.
My life’s work has made me a public target. I wasn’t prepared for that when I wrote my first book, but I expect it now. I am the bull’s-eye standing in the forefront, arms outstretched, waiting for the arrows to fly. Because they will. And some will find their target and some will be accurate. But all will be an opportunity to grow.
I choose to say, “Okay, that person’s way off base, but this person is telling the truth,” and accept both as pieces of my path. Though neither person will know their comments mattered, what’s important is, I do, and that I make each an opening toward bigger and better things.
Suzanne D. Williams is a native Floridian, wife, mother, photographer, and writer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. She writes a monthly column for Steves-Digicams.com on the subject of digital photography, as well as devotionals and instructional articles for various blogs. She also does graphic design for self-publishing authors.
To learn more about what she’s doing visit http://suzanne-williams-photography.blogspot.com/ or link with her on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/suzannedwilliamsauthor.
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/ June 27, 2013Awesome article, Suzanne.