Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, so I will not be thirsty nor come all the way here to draw. -John 4:13-15
One tiny drop plops against the glassy surface of a serene lake.
In the honeyed hue of a brilliant sunset we see a miracle take place atop the molten-gold waters. At first the ripple is so small we can barely detect it, but then it grows, bigger and wider, circling ever outward.
More drops join in, falling until the lake is stirred up. Changed. Impacted.
Now the ripples bounce off each other sending out even more vibrancy and life.
Such are our lives.
Yes, as individuals we may only be a tiny drop in this world of oceanic proportions, but each of us are drops that can make a difference. Stir things up. Bring about change.
And more importantly, impact our world for good and for God.
Oh, if ever this old world needing a positive impact, it is surely now!
And truthfully, that’s been a part of God’s plan since the serpent deceived Adam and Eve. How astounding that He uses even flawed and fallen people to bring us back to the garden and to Himself. May we be especially willing to be used by our heavenly Father to be those tiny drops that send out great ripples, which send waves of living water racing around the world.
I sense it. Do you? All around the world our God is working through His people, shining His light into the darkest nooks and crannies.
I’ve read reports that for the first time in years, government officials in China see the positive impact that Christianity has on their nation. As a result, restrictions and regulations are easing.
I’ve seen articles which enumerate hundreds of examples of once-Muslim people who’ve experienced visions and dreams and turned their lives over to Christ. What an astounding miracle!
And I sense those in the American church leaving behind complacency for fervent prayer that God would heal our land. I believe those prayers are being answered at this very moment in ways can’t fully comprehend.
World impact is happening, and it’s happening now!
By virtue of our relationship with Jesus, we are people of godly influence. We are vessels of living water. We can all impact our world in at least some small way for Him. And I for one cannot wait to see how God accomplishes His work through each of us.
Father God, how grateful we are for these front row seats to view the work You’re doing around the world. Lord, may we be both encouraged and emboldened to do all we can to influence and impact our world for You. Help us to stay connected to You, to unleash Your power through prayer, and set an example for others to follow. In the name of Jesus–who impacted our world like none other–we pray. Amen.
What are some ways in which you sense or see God using His people to impact the world for Him and His Kingdom? Share your answers in the comments.
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Amazon best-selling author Cathy Bryant loves to write heart-stirring stories of God’s life-changing grace. In addition to the beloved Miller’s Creek novels, she’s also penned two Bible studies and two devotionals. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her rummaging through thrift stores or up to her elbows in yet another home improvement project in the home she shares with her minister hubby of thirty-five years. You can find out more about Cathy and her books at http://www.CatBryant.com. You can also find her in the following places: