by Suzanne D. Williams
Thank You for the sunrise.
Thank You that I am alive today to witness it. Thank You that it follows the pattern You set into motion at the beginning of time. You are so faithful, never-ending, enduring, and eternal.
Thank You for its warmth, which gives life to fauna and flora, causing growth. Thank You that it highlights the clouds You created, spreading the colors of heaven around the earth. It is beautiful as You are beautiful.
Thank You for the light, which needs no other element to shine. It is singular and depends on nothing. It is powerful like You. In fact, it is a piece of You, the essence of all You are. You are light, and in You is no darkness at all. None. (1Jn 1:5)
Thank You for the sun, but also thank you for the stars, the planets, and the moon. Their movement are Your fantastic design. You set it all in place. You called it all by name. You formed skies and galaxies. You created tides. You created ocean waves. You told the sea to come only this far upon the sands and go no further. (Job 38:11)
You decided the water molecule would fill everything. It is in the air we breathe, in what we drink, in the soil we walk on. It is everywhere as you are everywhere. It gives life as You give life. It is essential. We cannot survive without it. We cannot escape its presence, though we turn our back.
This how You are, heavenly Father. You are in all things and in control of all things. You are God even in the chaos. Nothing is bigger than You. Nothing is stronger or wiser than You. Nothing takes You by surprise, and You never stop working.
Even before the sunrise, when we can’t see it, when the birds still take their rest, when the blue sky is cloaked in gray, even then, You are working. We don’t know how the day will go or how it will end, but You have it all in Your hands. You planned it all, from start to finish in precise, infinite detail, and the outcome will be to Your delight.
It is magnificent, multicolored, a masterpiece. Like You.
Thank you for the sunrise.
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About the Author
Best-selling author, Suzanne D. Williams, is a native Floridian, wife, mother, and photographer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. She writes devotionals and instructional articles for various blogs. She also does graphic design for self-publishing authors. She is co-founder of THE EDGE.
To learn more about what she’s doing and check out her extensive catalog of stories, visit www.feelgoodromance.com or www.suzannedwilliams.com or link with her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/suzannedwilliamsauthor or on Twitter at @SDWAuthor.