Over the last few months, several of my writer friends and I have been working together to come up with this collections of Christian Romance Christmas stories. Ten different stories by eleven different authors as two worked together on one of the novellas.
None of the stories are the same. Each one is as unique as the author who created it. Each one touching readers in different ways by using diverse perspectives, character problems, and situations.
As I thought of the writing by all the different authors to create this body of work, it reminded me how we as the body of Christ are to work together. Independently and some together, but all for the common good to further the Good News.
None of our stories are the same, but all carry a common theme. Most are contemporary, a few are historical, but all are encouraging.
And I thought, isn’t that what we, the church, are doing?
While I am writing stories that entertain, they also encourage readers in the faith. Another person works a job but proofreads on the side so that my stories can be the best they can be. Others may be working jobs that provide good income to support ministries. Then there are those who run the ministry and those who do the work of the evangelist.
But all come together to create the tapestry of the work of the body of Christ.
And how amazing that God uses each of us in such different ways. Indeed, many times we don’t even know when He is using us for His good pleasure to help others. As He uses us together, He makes things work to His good.
As the scripture says- some plant seed, others water, and later the harvest is brought in. None did all the work, but all will be rewarded.
Do the work the Lord has placed before you and don’t worry if you think it’s not important. Your current work may be part of a collection.
Warm Mulled Kisses
Ten Christmas novellas by eleven different authors. Step on in and read sweet stories of faith, hope, and humor. Contemporary and historical, you can find just what you’re looking for and spend a few hours or days enjoying these great stories. You can find this collection of faith, fun, and hope on Amazon. Warm Mulled Kisses
Oh, as for the title, mulled cider is a warm drink usually served during the Christmas season. To go with our togetherness and collective theme, the cider is heated with other ingredients such as cinnamon, cloves, orange, and sugar.
Apart, these ingredients are ho hum or barely edible. Together, they make a delightful drink that many will enjoy.
Patricia PacJac Carroll~ I am a writer, Christian first, and blessed beyond my imagination. I live in the Dallas-Ft Worth area of Texas with my wonderful treasure of a husband, my spoiled dog, Jacs, and my awesome grown son, Josh. Did I say I was blessed? The PacJac is from my initials and my husbands. I wouldn’t be able to write if it weren’t for him.I love adventure and the open road. The stories of the western era have always been a favorite of mine. I enjoy writing, and my goal is to write stories readers will enjoy.
Hope you are enjoying the series ~ Mail Order Brides of Hickory Stick. I’ll have a new series this year set in Montana – Solomon’s Valley ~ First book is The Feud.
My blogs http://patriciapacjaccarroll.blogspot.com/
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Email pacjaccarroll@aol.com
You can find all my books on my Patricia PacJac Carroll Amazon Author Page http://www.amazon.com/Patricia-PacJac-Carroll/e/B008R9JCN2/
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