by Staci Stallings So the other night my 16-year-old son, the light guy, sat in his chair in the living room perplexed beyond measure. His quandary? He’d been working for a couple of weeks on a prototype for a new light design for the Christmas light show at our house in our yard. […]
The Gap 5/21/2021
Get Up and Get Out: Find Your Research Gems in Conversation
by Carmen Peone “Just to let you know, I wouldn’t marry her!” said my working cattle ranch-owning contact. His words made my chest clench. Yet, his profound statement changed the course of my first romantic suspense story’s attitude. I didn’t want another weak woman saved by a macho man. I wanted real characters facing and overcoming trauma—like […]
Why Backstory is Essential and How to Use it Correctly 7/21/2020
by Carmen Peone Backstory is the backbone of every character, even us. It’s God–given and shapes us into the men and women we are created to be. A character’s backstory is essential for stories that rely on empathy because compassion focuses on what the why of what happens means to the character. Backstory is vital for tension and conflict. Without them, readers tend to close […]
Two Forms of Inspiring Poetry 5/12/2020
by Carmen Peone Never in this world did I think I would love poetry. Until God touched my heart with Haiku and Elfchen. Elfchen is a newer form of poetry for me, but I have come to love its simplicity. It’s a place I can hone in on God’s creation and love. In this time of fear, uncertainty, and quarantine, we can create a safe […]
Yippee! Another Interjection! 3/3/2020
by Carmen Peone An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey an emotion or a sentiment such as surprise, disgust, joy, excitement, or enthusiasm. There are two main reasons to use interjections in both fiction and non-fiction: They are fun! They show a character’s emotions. And emotions keeps readers turning pages. […]