All posts tagged writing advice

Get Up and Get Out: Find Your Research Gems in Conversation

by Carmen Peone “Just to let you know, I wouldn’t marry her!” said my working cattle ranch-owning contact.   His words made my chest clench. Yet, his profound statement changed the course of my first romantic suspense story’s attitude.  I didn’t want another weak woman saved by a macho man. I wanted real characters facing and overcoming trauma—like […]

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Think by Ada Brownell

Writing occurs first in the mind. Authors think. You can think anywhere. I used to take notes beside the sink as I washed dishes and cooked. I often keep an idea pad in my lap when we’re traveling. Pen and paper are in my nightstand. Every great book or article begins in the […]

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The Book I Wasn’t Supposed to Write … and all the “Real Books” — Post by Mary C. Findley

Awhile back hubby asked for a book of standards. It was supposed to be a simple guide for people who might want to have us help promote their books. It was supposed to explain our views and how we would decide what books we could support. I hemmed and hawed and said I […]

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