by Patricia Bell Hi my name is Patricia Bell and recently I decided to make my own twitter exchange group. I’d been retweeting in several groups but found much of the content I was obligated to retweet to be either very dark or much too sexual. I write clean, Christian books and I wanted a […]
The Treasure Seeker: Finding Love and Value in the Arms of Your Loving
The Treasure Seeker: Finding Love and Value in the Arms of Your Loving Heavenly Father was written to encourage and equip women who are either seeking God or who want to grow closer to God & Christ. At the heart of the book is the concept that we are a valuable treasure and […]
Marketing to Readers vs Networking with Authors
By Karen Baney As an author, I’m faced daily with the challenge of reaching out to quality readers. But, like many authors, especially in the early days of my book marketing, I found myself marketing to authors and not readers. This is fine if your book is for authors. If it isn’t, then […]
by Lillian Duncan My writing journey has been a long and twisted path—and I made some wrong turns along the way. But God has been with me every step of the way and He has made a way in spite of my wrong turns. I didn’t start writing until I was forty. For […]
Interview with Sharon Srock
Welcome to Grace & Faith for you Sharon. When did you first discover that you were a writer? Believe it or not, I went to bed one night, a normal person, and woke up the next morning determined to write a book. I know, now, where that came from. It was more than […]