All posts tagged promotion

Modern-Day Good Fridays 6/4/2021

by Staci Stallings Sometimes timing becomes important. This is one of those times. Right now, as you read this Easter Sunday has passed, and we have entered fully into the Easter Season. By the time you get to Easter, it’s sometimes easy to forget about Good Friday.  Good Friday, the day Jesus hung […]

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Sell Your Book(s), Promote Your Blog With Twitter

by Patricia Bell Hi my name is Patricia Bell and recently I decided to make my own twitter exchange group. I’d been retweeting in several groups but found much of the content I was obligated to retweet to be either very dark or much too sexual. I write clean, Christian books and I wanted a […]

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by Ada Brownell Some people probably wonder why I’m still writing. I’m no sleek new creation and I’m a high mileage model. What high mileage means is most of my life when my feet hit the floor in the morning I kept going until night. Sometimes when we had small children or they […]

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Attending Events as an Author-Vendor by Shawn Lamb

Send to Kindle For an author, nothing is scarier than striking out on one’s own when it comes to promotion. When a publicist or agent is involved they usually take care of arranging books signings or readings. Some authors participate in online blog tours. All of these are good – to a point. Perhaps the […]

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How To Double Your Sales

By:  Karen Baney Okay.  So, I don’t really know the sure-fire way to double your sales as an author.  But, I can share with you what has been working well for me over the past three months—months where I’ve double my sales each month. First, and most importantly, none of the following suggestions […]

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