All posts tagged E-book

Marketing to Readers vs Networking with Authors

By Karen Baney As an author, I’m faced daily with the challenge of reaching out to quality readers. But, like many authors, especially in the early days of my book marketing, I found myself marketing to authors and not readers. This is fine if your book is for authors. If it isn’t, then […]

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Interview with Jim and Karen Baney

Send to Kindle Welcome, Jim & Karen.  Can you tell us what Christian eBooks is all about? Jim:  Christian eBooks is a website that is for fans of Christian fiction and nonfiction.  It is a safe place to browse and learn more about great Christian eBooks without worrying about coming across any racy or […]

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Maximize Your Book Sales and Exposure by Using Your Free Author Central Account

By Shelley Hitz, Did you know that Amazon gives you a free tool to help you in your book marketing efforts? I did NOT know about this tool in the first two years of my publishing journey and I wish I had because I know it would have helped me sell more […]

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