By Lynn Mosher
“We shall devote ourselves whole-heartedly
to prayer and the ministry of the Word.”
Acts 6:4 Phillips
One morning in my study and quiet time, the Lord led me to read Exodus 17:11-16…again. You know this Old Testament story. Readied on top of Mount Horeb, Moses lifted his hands and his rod in praise, while Joshua fought the enemy in the valley below.
In my quirky mind, I hear the song from the commercial for Sure deodorant: Raise your hands, raise your hands, if you’re sure! Silly, I know. But that’s the way my brain works.
On the mount of victory with hands of surety uplifted into the air, Moses’ mouth spoke prayers and praises into the atmosphere and Israel prevailed; when he lowered his hands, the enemy prevailed.
However, Moses grew weary and his arms became heavy, so Aaron and Hur came alongside to give support. Because of their assistance, victory came that day.
All the Joshuas who battle the enemy need their Moses, Aaron, and Hur in the background praying with uplifted hands. That means you and I need each other’s support. So, in your prayer efforts, do not let your hands be weakened nor your knees go unbent that the enemy not defeat us in our battles.
Hebrews 12:12 in The Amplified says, “So then, brace up and reinvigorate and set right your slackened and weakened and drooping hands and strengthen your feeble and palsied and tottering knees.”
Solomon warned, “Through lowering of hands, the house leaks.” (Eccl. 10:18 Masoretic Text) This slackness applies not only to our physical house but to our spiritual house as well. According to the definitions, if through inactivity, negligence, or idleness, we lower our hands from lack of prayer and praise, then the house begins to weep.
In order to counteract this and prove God’s greatness in battle, we need to be diligent as sister and brother hand-raisers and knee-benders in prayer for one another. To ensure a victory in these difficult times, join with me in agreement to this…“We shall devote ourselves whole-heartedly to prayer and the ministry of the Word.”
Raise your hands, raise your hands if you’re sure!