Reviewed by Peggy Blann Phifer
“Your Life, a Legacy”
by Joy DeKok
For being only 45 pages, Your Life, a Legacy is amazingly packed with wonderful truths and insightful thoughts. Things, I admit, I have seldom, if ever, given much consideration.
Joy did a guest post on my blog earlier this month and blew me away. We’ll get to that later. For now, let me share a few things that touched me from the book. No, they whomped me right upside my head. Real eye-openers.
Joy begins with some bits and pieces of herself. Things she experienced through the years and how they affected her. But then she talks about the regret in not knowing much, or not enough about her family background. She knew who they were but not much about where they’d been, what they’d done. A lot of these memories used to be handed down through generation after generation when everyone would gather together for family celebrations. Does that happen anymore? I wonder. So Joy wrote this little book to help us to leave a legacy for our future generations.
“Legacy Giving is an opportunity for you and your Receives to get the best there is from the times of your life.”
Call them memoirs, maybe, but I believe she meant something much more. Not just the good things. Joy tells a little story about something she did as a little girl that comes back to haunt her every now and then. I have a similar story. I’ll bet you do, too.
Okay, Joy quoted someone who is Giving a Legacy as saying, “As I write, something unexpected is happening. I’m owning my life. All of it.”
Ah. In other words, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is oddly freeing. Am I ready to do it? I don’t know. Would my children and grandchildren be interested or even care? Again, I don’t know. But, giving it some honest thought, perhaps it would help them understand things that have happened over the past 30 years.
So, that’s whomp number one, and for me the biggest.
You see, the cover of Your Life, a Legacy has some old black and white snap shots, and as I looked at that for the first time, my mind snapped to the realization that I have a whole bunch of pictures like that! Where are they? Not sure. But my sister, about 15 years ago, started scrapbooking, and she assembled a remarkable “Memory Book” as she called it, with pictures from our youth, some wonderful old pictures of our grandparents, and some stories she gleaned through one-on-one interviews with our mother and father. I don’t have that scrapbook. It was intended for her children and grandchildren. However, I did talk Marty into copying the pages for me. And I’d forgotten I even had that.
Well, maybe I got off track here a bit, but then, I don’t really think so. The intent of a review is to express how it affected me as the reader of the book. Obviously, it had a great deal of impact. And as a result, I am highly recommending it to you, no matter your age. It’s never too late to start Giving your own Legacy.
It’s an eBook you can get on Amazon HERE
There’s a fun giveaway riding along on this. Joy and I are doing a Backward Scavenger Hunt. Below you’ll find a scrambled word. It’s not hard. Shouldn’t take you more than 30 seconds to unscramble it.
Here’s the first clue . . . Unscramble this: EORC That’s the easy part.
Set it aside and go to my Whispers in Purple blog where Joy guest-posted and look for a misspelled word. There’s just one. Leave a comment there with your name and email address (you[at] yourdomain [dot] com/net/org) stating that you found the misspelled word, but DON’T say what it was.
Once you’ve found that, take the incorrect letter and add it to your unscrambled word to form a new word. Then add a letter of your own and add it to for yet another word. Leave a comment here with the same information, but here you may share your words. Set them aside and wait for the next clue, which you find at either of these two sites: Joy Dekok or Books by Joy or BOTH!
The Prize is being assembled, but there WILL be a free copy of my new release TO SEE THE SUN, and a copy of Joy’s YOUR LIFE, A LEGACY, and a sterling silver heart necklace with a diamond. So far that’s all I’m sure of. Watch the next posts to see how the prize builds.
Find Peg at: http://peggyblannphier.com and http://www.whispersinpurple.com
author of Your Life, a Legacy
author of To See the Sun
Peg Phifer
/ January 30, 2012Thanks, Staci, for putting this up. I hope everyone will join in the fun. After all, who doesn’t like free stuff?
Peg Phifer
/ January 30, 2012Oops, wanted to check the box so I get copied on comments.