For over a decade now, I have been focused on helping Christian authors publish their books. With the advent of the new 21st century self-publishing this has become an even stronger vision. To that end I founded Radiqx Press early in the new millennium.
Yes, Radiqx is an invented word.
It uses radical with its original meaning of going back to the roots. It puts the focus on holiness and 1st century “acts of the apostles” Christianity. Our goal is to assist and encourage Christian authors to write books that can change lives and help bring in the final harvest.
The most recent move in that direction is our Christian speculative fiction book review group.
So far we have four reviewers signed on, David G. Johnson, Peter Younghusband, Mary Campagna Findley, and myself. We’re committed to being a resource producing book reviews for the new Christian speculative fiction authors which have been emerging over the past few years. We are having many new and old books submitted for review.
The goal is to develop a vetted resource for readers looking for Christian fantasy, science fiction, action/adventure, horror, political and/or military thrillers, and so on.
Toward that goal, one of the unique things we do is talk about the spiritual level of the books. A clean read is not usually a Christian book. As I said, we want to encourage authors to write fiction which demonstrates Truth and shows reality to the reader. Bible-thumping and preaching rarely do that.
Hence the name of the blog: Reality Calling
Our hope is to find books which touch us spiritually and build us up. We are looking for books that will not only entertain but realistically help and encourage the reader on a deep spiritual level.
The time is getting short. The Lord is coming soon. He has reaffirmed that to many in these last days. We need to be focused on helping with that
effort, as the Lord leads us into a deeper with Him and the holiness which results from that effort.
Here are the five spiritual levels we talk about when reviewing our books. There is no judgement intended, just a simple analysis of the spiritual level to help readers know what to expect—especially parents looking for books to recommend to their children, mentors guiding those they are helping, and ministers safeguarding their sheep.
- One star: A clean read gets our lowest rating spiritually. There are actually Christian clean reads, but they are very rare and they’d get a spiritual rating of 3-stars, at least.
- Two star: Old testament level, there’s no savior, no Holy Spirit—except to prophets, priests, and so on. And even then it’s not a personal relationship with a living God.
- Three star: Basic religious Christianity: Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant. Characters find all their support from church youth groups, and the like.
- Four star: Here we have believers with a personal relationship with God and a radically transformed life. There’s a tendency to only hear from God via the scriptures, but believers have been born from above as Jesus talked about in John 3. This is the major expectation of believers as discussed extensively by Peter, Paul, and John.
- Five star: A deeply personal, moment by moment relationship with the Lord. God speaks, gives advice and encouragement, plus the believer is empowered by the Holy Spirit, as seen in Acts. The Lord’s presence is actively part of the character’s life, day on and day out. This is what Paul and John the Baptist calls the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The books may be edgy or not. What they must be is real!
If they go beyond the norm, we’ll let the readers know. But reality is what we are looking for—neither titillation nor shock, nothing gratuitous. Some of the new, edgy Christian fiction is truly excellent, some is mere rebellion. The well-done works are truly superb.
In the future, we may carefully add reviews for romances, mysteries, and the rest of the more popular genre
Reviewers in these genre should contact me. This is all based upon personal relationships, as always.
About the Author:
I was born outside of Buffalo New York, graduated high school in 1961 in Stillwater, Minnesota, and was graduated with a BFA in Printmaking from the University of Minnesota in 1971. I worked as a lyricist and drummer from 1967, an illustrator from 1971, a graphic designer from 1979, an art director from 1983, a digital printing instructor from 1991, a font designer from 1994, an author from 1995, and a self-publisher since 1997. My writing career began with several traditionally published textbooks on digital publishing, graphic design, and typography from 1995-2004 focusing on FreeHand, Photoshop, and InDesign. My current best sellers in digital publishing are “Practical Font Design, Third Edition”, closely followed by “Writing In InDesign Expanded Edition 2.5”, and “InDesign Ebook Conversions”.
However, my Christian writings have become more popular. My current best seller there is “How to Teach the Bible”. I’ve been a Christian and scripture teacher since 1974, a teaching pastor in a small Foursquare then non-denomination church in Albuquerque throughout the 90s ’til 2005. I’ve written several verse by verse Bible studies, topical studies, and a couple Christian political thrillers.
I also consult with and design books for other Christian authors. This has become a real focus of my ministry. It’s been a real joy to be working on my own. I can finally express my convictions, responsible only to you, my readers, and my God.