New Years. . . That celebration famous not merely for the ball-drop in New York Times Square and ringing in the New Year December 31st at midnight, but that time of year when many people begin that most elusive of list-making. . . preparing New Year’s Resolutions!
As members of the Bride of Christ, this is a great time of year to examine our own personal relationship with our Heavenly Bridegroom, and seek the face of the Father in a desire to get to know Him better in the coming year. It should be every believer’s goal to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ.
We’ve all heard the admonishment and maybe even sung the song, “Read your Bible, Pray every day and you’ll grow, grow, grow”. But as cute as that Sunday School jingle might be, it’s 100% TRUE! Prayer is a fancy word for two-way communication between finite man and an infinite God. Because prayer generally incorporates the use of words, reading your Bible during your quiet time allows God to join the conversation. Prayer can be engaged in individually, and in groups of varying sizes and descriptions. Prayer by itself does nothing. Many adherents of false religions pray to their objects of worship. Prayer rather, is a conduit of meaningful communication that moves the hearts of all who participate to draw closer to each other, namely you and me drawing closer to and inviting the presence of Almighty God.
Setting aside time for prayer tells God that you want to be with Him. You want to spend time with Him. You value His presence and His input into your life. God is in need of nothing, but He desperately LONGS for relationship with those who call Him Lord and Saviour.
So the question is, how will you include God in your life in 2015? If you answered that quiet time is where you struggle the most, I may have a suggestion for you. If you answered that praying in general is a bit of a mystery to you at times, I may have a suggestion for you too.
Back in the Spring of 2014, a thought that I’d roughed out in 2007 came back to mind. It was a one-month prayer guide intended for a local group that I didn’t end up showing anyone or doing anything with at that time. A sermon by my pastor in the spring of 2014 brought this project back to mind and I dusted it off. Three months later, A Year in Prayer With Jesus was in the editing and review stages, officially launching in both paperback and e-book format over the September Long Weekend.
Each day is given a 2-page spread as The Lord’s Prayer is presented to you in outline format, broken into seven points, each with their own unique Scripture verse and prayer prompt. Room is provided for you to write in your own thoughts as well every day. Day 366 is intended as a day of reflection as you look back over the past year and review all that God revealed to you, taught you, answered prayers and surprises along the way.
With 2,555 verses spread across the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation, your personal quiet time will have you reading God’s Word and engaging in meaningful two-way communication.
Start the New year with a resolution to go deeper in your relationship with God this year! Come sit down beside the disciples as they learn from Jesus Himself, how to pray.
Happy New Year, and may God bless you in unexpected ways in 2015!
About the Author:
Author of “Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey“, “Mom’s Little Black Book: Godly Advice for the High School Graduate“, “Practical Thoughts on Becoming an Author”, “Dressed for Eternity“, “A Year in Prayer With Jesus” and “Pumpkin Pie From the Ground Up! (Well, sort of!)”.
Read free samples on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/Marilynn.Dawson.Author?ref=hl
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