Only One 8/28/2020

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by Suzanne D. Williams

Your order is complete. I stared at the words. There was a first time for anything. They’d filled my pickup order an hour ahead of time and, this week, made no substitutions.

No substitutions. In an instant, my grocery store order became the image of the Savior come to earth. I saw it so clearly. Every day, every place He went, every breath He breathed, He knew He’d come to die. He knew how, and He knew when. He knew for whom, and He knew what they thought of Him. He knew why. He knew He had to do this.

There was no substitution.

They’d tried that in the Law of Moses, but the Law was only a shadow of things to come. It could only highlight sin, not fix it. (Heb 10:1; Gal 3:19) No list of rules, no animal sacrifice, no temporary ritual could ever make man’s heart clean and return him to God’s presence.

No other blood but Christ’s could sit on the altar of heaven as permanent reminder of His mercy and grace. (Heb 9:12) No other One could defeat the devil and rise triumphant from the graveThere was no second best, no almost-as-good, no other reliable option. There was no plan B.

There was only one Savior.

There is only one solution to anything we face. There is no substitution for what God can do, for what God has done, for what God has planned. Only His Word gives light. Only its pages hold wisdom and understanding, peace and rest, joy and satisfaction. Only by hearing His voice do we know which way to walk. It’s His way or no way at all.

We spend hours on our phones or computers. We spend hours in front of the TV. We seek the answer in where we live, who we love, and a dozen other things. We study the minutiae of knowledge. We hang our degrees on the wall. We worship our checking account, our job, or our car. Our family. Our church.

Idols made with man’s hands. (Is 2:8) Substitutes.

When the “everlasting, ever-present never-failing, Master of Wholeness” has come and finished the work. (Is 9:6 VOICE) The One and Only, One-of-a-kind, in one short, one-time event, once-and-for-all did the only thing that would give us everything, and there’s nothing anyone can ever do to replace that.


The Passionate Church: Being the Church in an Age of Offense 

The Passionate Church 

 About the Author:

Suzanne D. WilliamsBest-selling author, Suzanne D. Williams, is a native Floridian, wife, mother, and photographer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. She writes devotionals and instructional articles for various blogs. She also does graphic design for self-publishing authors. She is co-founder of THE EDGE.

To learn more about what she’s doing and check out her extensive catalog of stories, visit or or link with her on Facebook at or on Twitter at @SDWAuthor.

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