by Rebekah Beene
The GPS took us straight to the church in Benton where the retreat prayer team meeting was being held. When we arrived I read the text: meet in the room behind the sanctuary. Well, there were two buildings behind the sanctuary. We weren’t sure where exactly the meeting room was. So we drove around the building to the back of the sanctuary. All we found was a locked door on the side. Finally we went back to the front and I got out of the car.
Once inside I peeked into the sanctuary thinking I’d find it full of Wednesday night activity. But there I found what I was looking for – a group of women I met at last year’s retreat. We went into a small room that really was at the back of the sanctuary and had a wonderful meeting.
We had to go where we’d never been before. It took a bit of seeking and searching. And I had to get out of my comfort zone (the car) and venture into the sanctuary to find what I was looking for.
Oh beloved, God is speaking to our hearts this morning. He has given us an objective. It is to meet with Him in the sanctuary! He’s called you and me to intimate relationship with Him. We might find it difficult to carve out time for this – but God says come away with Me.
He wants you to know this morning that you may feel that it’s foreign territory – to go where you’ve never been. It might seem strange to seek and search for Him. After all you’re saved. And you’re busy. There is much to do in your life- family, job, household, children, activities and church. It’s enough to make anyone’s head swim. But He says if you will dare to venture into the sanctuary of His Presence you will find the peace that so often escapes you. You will also find the help for the difficult moments, the answer for the hardships and the rest you long for.
There’s more in the sanctuary! All the delights of your heart are found in the Presence of the Lord! He calls with such loving words of affirmation – He calls you beloved! He beckons you with delight! He says you are His chosen! He says He finds joy when you and He spend time together.
The rat race has no hold on you once you find your way to Him. Life in Christ is more than heaven someday- it’s heaven come down and dwell in your heart! This divine visitation is a must for those who want to do more than just survive. His love requires you to leave the mundane lifestyle and go for the extraordinary supernatural life in Christ! This one move – going into the sanctuary, having fellowship with your King – will change everything! This is where strength is imparted and instructions for living are given. It’s your right to live in His Presence and your gift to be swept away in Holy Spirit anointing.
God loves you and He’s for you! Rejoice that He is with you and give thanks that you can live supernaturally as you seek His face and learn to love His Presence for the rest of your life!
Song of Solomon 2:10 My beloved spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with Me.”
Psalm 45:11 Let the King be enthralled by your beauty; honor Kim, for He is your Lord.
Psalm 36:8 They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; And You give them to drink of the river of Your delights.
About the Author:
In a Christian Women’s meeting in 1983, Rebekah was given a prophetic message that she would write books. Several years ago she began writing stories about special holiday memories and travels, sharing God’s love and care through each story. God has gifted Rebekah with the ability to look at the natural and see the supernatural. Both Rebekah and her husband Danny have a heart to share the Gospel and the riches of life in Christ to everyone they meet. They have served in the local church and in ministry to motorcyclists. Danny is an ordained minister and they both have been Bible study teachers for many years. Rebekah also speaks at women’s retreats and conferences. Her tag line says it all “God loves you and He’s for you”.
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