Today I want to welcome Grace & Faith Author, Dana Pratola who says in her bio: The Lord is my Savior, writing is my passion and publishing inspirational books that show the grace of God is my ministry.
I love that! Welcome, Dana, please tell us a little about yourself beyond the writer.
I love old movies, the ORIGINAL Star Trek and anything with John Cusak. I hate to cook but I do it anyway, 5 nights a week. We have a dog named Lola, who dreams one day of being mistress of the manor, and I prefer the mountains over the beach.
I’m with you on John Cusak and cooking! So with all that going on, how did you come to be a Christian writer?
Once I realized that God put the desire in me to write in the first place, I figured He must mean for me to write for Him. That doesn’t mean I only write for Christians, just that somewhere in the story there will be a direction sign pointing straight up.
Wow. You’re good. I love that too! Now, if you weren’t writing, what would you be doing and why?
That’s hard to say. I did have a brief spell where I wanted to be an oceanographer, but since I couldn’t swim I thought it a pointless pursuit. Writing is all I ever want to do.
An oceanographer who can’t swim… that sounds like a great hook for a book. 🙂 Tell us about your current writing endeavors.
I was surprised that after reading The Covering the first question most people have is “when is your next book coming out?” I don’t have the next one finished yet, but I’m working on it, including 5 or 6 more. As for blogging, I try to avoid that, LOL. I stress too much about having it done on time, what to say, etc. Non-fiction isn’t my forte’.
Well, we all have to learn to play to our strengths. Speaking of which, who are some people you think of as strong influences on you or your writing?
Writing, probably Nora Roberts. Real life, one of my biggest influences was my spiritual mother, Nancy Wells. She was one of the church mothers in my first home church. I learned so much from her about everything from cooking to Alabama red clay. She’s with The Lord now and I can’t wait to see her again 🙂
If you could give one piece of advice (not writing related), what would it be and why?
Always smell the milk, LOL. Actually, a piece of advice given to me by Mother Wells: “See and don’t see, hear and don’t hear.” Her meaning was, don’t be ignorant of what’s going on around you, but not so much that it distracts you from Jesus. Keep your focus.
Yes, keeping our focus on Him can be a challenge with everything going on around us. I’m curious where your writing life is focused now.
I’m about ¾ through (not including editing) a story about a woman who is suddenly gifted with an amazing singing voice. It’s about her choices and the consequences they bring. Of course there’s a love interest 🙂
Of course! So, where can our Grace & Faith 4 U readers find you on the ‘net?
http://www.amazon.com/Dana-Pratola/e/B005G40TAQ (profile)
Thanks so much for stopping over, Dana. We wish you well in all of your future endeavors!
Grace & Faith Author, Dana Pratola is a 47 yr. old mother of 3, married 25 yrs. The Lord is my Savior, writing is my passion and publishing inspirational books that show the grace of God is my ministry.
/ November 18, 2011Fun interview. I love John Cusack too! Your advice is very wise – I’m going to write that on a notecard and keep it near my computer.
/ November 18, 2011Thanks, Tracy =-)
E.A. West
/ November 18, 2011You have me curious about your next book! I can’t wait to hear more about it when the time comes. 🙂
/ November 18, 2011Thanks so much for having me over, Staci, it was fun!
Dora Hiers
/ November 18, 2011Awesome advice from Mother Wells, Dana. I’m a mountains kinda gal, too. Great interview, ladies!
Valerie Comer
/ November 18, 2011Ah Dana, your next heroine sounds like me in high school. I went to a boarding school and somehow hung out with the musical kids, but can’t carry a tune myself. If I could’ve changed any one thing about myself as a teen, it would have been that singing voice.
Then I decided that sleeping was my gift, and that it was more useful daily than singing. Now that I’m menopausal and doing without my ‘gift’ I really miss it!
/ November 18, 2011LOL, I actually got the idea because I always wanted to be able to play piano. Not learn – just wake up one day and be able to play. Sigh. No discipline, and probably no musical talent. The world may never know. But I’m a HUGE fan of sleeping!
Pamela S Thibodceaux
/ November 18, 2011Great interview Dana!
I’m still blown away by The Covering and can’t wait for your next book.
Marianne Evans
/ November 18, 2011An oceanogropher who can’t swim—Dana, that’s the kick-off for a book if EVER I heard one! LOL!! Great interview, and great blog! Well done, ladies!! God bless!
Lynn Mosher
/ November 18, 2011Loved reading more about you, Dana! Great interview! May your book do well and may many more roll off your fingertips!
Donna B Snow
/ November 18, 2011I agree with all of the above comments! They highlighted all of the great spots in the interview! I must admit, you made me smile (OK, snicker…).
/ November 19, 2011Thank you all you wonderful ladies for your support. I love you all <3
Mary Manners
/ November 19, 2011Dana,
It’s so nice to get to know you a little better. You are a wonderful person and an amazingly gifted writer. God bless you.
/ November 19, 2011Aww, that’s so sweet. Allow me to return the compliment =-D
Tanya Hanson
/ November 19, 2011Excellent interview, Dana. Always good to learn more about you! I’m a beach girl myself but totally in love with the mountains and range of my Hearts Crossing Ranch series LOL. GOd bless you, my friend.
/ November 20, 2011<3 <3 <3