by Suzanne D. Williams
There is only two sides in life. The TRUTH and the LIE. The Word of God is TRUTH, and all else that does not agree with it is a LIE. There is no gray area. (Jn 17:17)
I had a reason recently to encounter the LIE. I saw plainly its affect on my life and how I’d given into it. Let me tell you, first, that, contrary to what we might think, the LIE is not ugly. Not at all. What makes the LIE a LIE, what makes it DECEPTION is its resemblance to the TRUTH. It SEEMS RIGHT but leads to death. (Pr 14:12) The LIE is deceptive words dressed up in fancy clothing.
What does the Word of God say? The apostle Paul, in reference to “false apostles” plaguing the church at Corinth, made the statement: “For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (2Co 11:14)
Our enemy, the devil, knows just enough to pull his ruse off, and unfortunately, many inside the church, who are supposed to know better, fall for it. The LIE looked good, like FRUIT meant to make us wise, but its taste brought death. (Ge 3:6)
How are we meant to avoid it then? If the LIE is so convincing, how do we know it from the TRUTH?
One powerful Scripture gives us the answer. Jesus in John 8:31-32 said, “If ye CONTINUE IN MY WORD, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall KNOW THE TRUTH, and the truth shall make you free.” The key to freedom from the LIE is to CONTINUE IN THE WORD.
You are what you eat, and you are what you think. There’s a reason we are told to “cast down imaginations” and to “take captive” any thoughts fighting against God’s Word in us. (2Co 10:5) The LIE will destroy us if we embrace it. We can’t just think whatever we want and accept anything that floats through our heads but must say a very loud NO.
NO, I will not think about that. NO, I will not be like that. NO, I will not accept that.
And our NO is enforced by our knowledge of the TRUTH. We stay in the WORD, reading and meditating upon it. It becomes our LIFESTYLE. I get up thinking about God’s Word. I sit down for breakfast with Scriptures on my mind. I read and worship and pray; I declare grace over my day before I get dressed. While I’m in the car, I’m rolling TRUTH over in my mind and, here’s a huge key – I listen to the HOLY SPIRIT speaking in my spirit man. (Jn 4:24)
I practice hearing TRUTH because hearing the LIE and trusting in it were what got me in this mess.
My mother tells the story of a woman who spent her days reading Acts 10:38. She read it over and over and over again. Then one day, she was in the grocery store, and the clerk read off the price of her purchase. “That will be ten thirty-eight.”
The woman, without thinking replied instantly, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.”
Her response was automatic because Acts 10:38 was planted deep within her.
The more we plant the TRUTH in our hearts, the more we will uproot the LIE. I admit that, at first, after realizing you’ve been duped, there’s a time of confusion. After all, how do you trust yourself now? THE TRUTH IS you cannot. Your TRUST is in God, as Father, as Word, as Spirit, to guide you from here on out. (Jn 16:13)
There is an awesome moment when you see yourself as totally inept under your own strength, and you finally know how much you depend on God. When He becomes the GREATER ONE and the STRENGTH inside you is solely Him, you will realize how powerful the TRUTH really is. (1Jn 4:4)
Because the TRUTH defeated the LIE once and for all at Calvary, and herein is our victory. Not in what we deserved, nor in our own striving against sin, which is pointless, but in that God’s overwhelming love for us made His Son, the WORD and the TRUTH, Savior of the world. (Jn 1:1)
Read the author’s testimony.
Published by Becky Combee Ministries, Inc.
Reader reviews: “Beautiful, inspiring” ~ “Wonderful encouragement” ~ “Redefined what fearless meant to me.” ~ “Very inspirational” ~ “Warm, compassionate, outstanding”
What does it mean to be fearless? And how to I get there? Where is the way out from hopelessness and despair?
Once crippled by fear, Suzanne Williams shares her personal walk out of the darkness of fear into the health, peace, and freedom promised in God’s Word.
For more information, visit Suzanne at
Best-selling author, Suzanne D. Williams, is a native Floridian, wife, mother, and photographer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. She writes devotionals and instructional articles for various blogs. She also does graphic design for self-publishing authors. She is co-founder of THE EDGE.
To learn more about what she’s doing and check out her extensive catalog of stories, visit or link with her on Facebook at or on Twitter at