JONAH: When GOD Calls
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#Jonah #TheBookOfJonah
#Kindle #Kindlebooks
#BibleStudy #DailyBibleReading
#Devotional #DeborahHBateman
God needed Jonah to deliver a message to the people of Nineveh and when God has a job to do He will get it done one way or the other. Jonah repents and follows through with God’s orders, but isn’t really happy with the outcome. We learn about being an obedient servant of God from the story of Jonah. Even though you may have heard the story as a child, there is much more to consider as an adult.
JONAH: When GOD Calls is the 34th book in the Daily Bible Reading Series. The book only contains four Daily Bible Reading lessons, but it is packed with action. Each lesson consists of a brief commentary by the author, the Daily Bible Reading Scripture, a few questions for consideration or discussion, a prayer, and a Bible Verse to journal or memorize. This book is great as a personal devotional or a group Bible Study.