Today we welcome an extra-special guest to our spotlight. Our own Tracy Ruckman suggested this author from her stable Write Integrity Press authors, and we’re happy to feature Judy Hampton.
Welcome, Judy….
First off we’d love to know a little more about who you are when you’re not writing.
I began speaking publically many years ago, sharing my testimony for an International organization called Christian Women’s Clubs. At one time there were over 2,700 clubs in the USA and thousands around the world. It was great training to learn how to share my testimony and how Jesus Christ subsequently changed my life after my conversion. I traveled the roads in California, Colorado and parts of New Mexico, speaking at these luncheons. Out of that experience I got invited to speak for Mother’s Day events, women’s conferences and retreats. Focus on the Family heard one of my tapes and they subsequently aired my testimony several times. Because of that exposure, I have been speaking for over twenty years traveling internationally, sometimes thirty five weekends a year.
Wow! Nothing like having a platform! So how did you become a Christian writer?
I was asked to contribute to a compilation book many years ago…by sharing a true story. From that point on I began to see that readers love stories with a redemptive ending. What greater joy than to share a story of a changed life?
I agree. If you weren’t writing what would you be doing?
I am actually more of a conference speaker than a prolific writer. I love teaching, training and equipping women. Greatest joy of my life! I teach a Bible Study at my church and am currently discipling two young women who are new believers.
Always good to see training and teaching the younger generations. Who were some of your greatest influences growing up?
My greatest influences have been the older women who discipled me as a new Believer. My dear friend Carol Kent, author and speaker, influenced me to write our story.
I’m sure they have given you a lot of advice over the years. What piece of advice would you give others?
Get to know God through His Word. Devour it! Hide it in your heart. Teach it, share it and let Him transform you through His Word. Why? This will affect every single area of your life.
Again, I’m in major agreement there! What has been the biggest challenge of your life?
The biggest challenge for my husband and me is being the parents of a prodigal child. In the beginning, during the teen years, we were gripped with fear, anger, and disillusionment. We didn’t know how to handle the problem. We tried everything, read everything, sought counsel and waited for this person to grow out of rebellion, but now many years later, nothing has changed long term. Ultimately, out of defeat and discouragement, we relinquished the entire mess over to the Lord. What happened next was the miracle. He lavished us with His peace. And He transformed out lives. He has given us His power to get on with out lives. Today God is using our pain as a platform to minister to hundreds of parents who are going through the same thing. It’s simply how ministry begins. (2 Cor. 1:3-4)
I think God often comforts us through the pain of this life and then guides us into helping others who are struggling as well. I’m curious… What do you like to read? What are some of your favorites?
I love to read books about people and life change. I love biographies, Christian fiction, books that teach and train me and books that encourage me in my walk with Christ. I have read a lot of books dealing with difficult people, addiction and dysfunction and how to handle these issues.
Some of my favorites are:
Safely Home, by Randy Alcorn. Trusting God, by Jerry Bridges. The Pursuit of God and The Pursuit of Holiness, A. W. Tozer. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, J. Cymbala. The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom. Total Forgiveness, R. T. Kendall. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp. Classic Devotions (compilation book). Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis. Born Again, Chuck Colson. Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret. The Rest of the Gospel, Dan Stone. L’abri, Edith Schaeffer. Saving Life of Christ, Maj. Ian Thomas. A Foreign Devil in China, Nelson Bell. God’s Smuggler, Brother Andrew. Foolproofing Your Life, Jan Silvious. Out of the Salt Shaker, Becky Pippert. Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren. Left Behind, LaHaye, Jenkins. Riven, J. Jenkins, Though None go with Me, Jenkins. Cross and the Switchblade, David Wilkerson. Late Great Planet Earth, Hal Lindsey.
Wow! That is quite a list! You might not be a prolific writer, but I’d say you are definitely a prolific reader! Is there a quote or saying you live by?
Quote: “It is impossible to live the Christian life, and Jesus never said we could. He said He would do it through us, but we must first give it to Him.” [Major Ian Thomas]
My life verse is: Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.”
This verse was life changing. There was a time I was striving “live like Jesus.” But this is religion and leaves us on the cross. Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus Christ, and His power within that changes our life. He works in and through a willing vessel.
Again (I’m going to sound like a broken record here!), I SO agree! What are you working on now?
Mostly free lance.
Tell us a bit about your writing endeavors at the moment.
I have written three books: Under the Circumstances (A Woman’s Guide to a Surrendered Heart). Ready? Set? Go! How Parents with Prodigals can get on with their Lives and When Your Plans Fall Through. I have contributed to over thirty other books.
Where can readers find you on the ‘net?
Thanks so much for stopping by Judy! We wish you all the best!