Today we are so blessed to welcome Wendy Young. Wendy, for those who don’t know, was the connection point between Karen Baney and me that started Grace & Faith 4U. It was Wendy’s blog that Karen was on that I somehow stumbled on that started all of this. Wendy recently released her second book, and we’re so glad she could join us today!
Hi, Wendy. Thanks so much for coming. Can you tell us a bit about yourself beyond who you are as a writer?
I am a 30-something wife, mother, and Work-at-Home-Mom who lives in beautiful, friendly East Tennessee. Life is crazy but I am blessed!
30-something. Hm. How pleasantly vague. 🙂 So how did you come to be a Christian writer?
I never set out to write a Christian book but faith has a way of showing itself and when my husband finished it he was like “this should be in Christian stores.” My main characters are Christian, and unabashedly so, but overall it’s still secular fiction. The important question I always ask myself as I consider ‘what will happen next’ in the plot is whether I am glorifying anything that goes against my faith. That’s an important measure for me. I may include bad events like murder, corruption, and so forth, but it’s all in how they are portrayed. I really feel a strong pull to reach people where they are, so to speak, and make them think about things in a new way.
Interesting. I’m curious if you weren’t writing, what would you be doing?
In college I realized the only thing I wanted to be was a Mom. I was on track to pursue Psychology to the very end and become a professional psychologist, counseling patients and everything, but I just knew that I didn’t care about having a career that way and would give it all up in an instant for my kids. Writing has been something I enjoyed for a long time and the only career I want. Whether it becomes a full-time venture, as I hope, remains to be seen. Right now I continue to do what I must – be a wife, mother, full-time day-jobber, and writer.
That’s a lot! You obviously wear many hats as most authors do. What new things are you working on right now?
I have done it all, pretty much! Poetry, plays, scripts, songs, short stories, novels, blogging, tweeting, non-fiction articles…. I breathe, I write. At the moment I have a short story available called “One Final Night,” and the Campbell Creek Mystery books – Come the Shadows and Red Sky Warning. The 3rd book, Racing the Sunset, will be available sometime in the spring of 2012. I blog a few times a week at http://wendylyoung.wordpress.com . Topics range from writing updates, to writing/promotion thoughts and tips, and a bit of family life in between.
I love your blog especially for the marketing tips. 😉 As a person of faith do you have any quotes or sayings that really speak to you?
If you’ve seen me on Twitter you know I have LOTS of quotes. There are so many I love and I enjoy finding new ones. I could never pick one but a few I love:
Proofread carefully to see if you any words out. – Author Unknown (This one reminds me to slow down.)
Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. – William James (I am forever putting off things I don’t enjoy and the weigh so heavily!)
Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling. – Margaret Lee Runbeck (Good point to remember !)
It is impossible to discourage the real writers. – Sinclair Lewis (So me, but then I am also glad the responses have been so positive to my work thus far. It helps to be encouraged, all the same J )
Cool. I love quotes too! I have to remind myself to stop collecting them sometimes, and on Twitter I pass on so many that you put up. They are all so good. So along with putting books out and Twittering, are you working on anything else?
I never stop! I’m working on the 3rd book in my series. Another book that is almost 2 years old now and still unfinished is next. I start a new book the moment one is published. There are so many stories in my head I just can’t write them fast enough.
So it sounds like readers will have lots of new stories from Wendy Young in the years to come. Where can we find you on the ‘net?
I’m everywhere!
Readers can find me on Twitter, Facebook, my blog, Goodreads, Google+, and of course my books can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and anywhere else eBooks are sold.
Thanks for coming to visit with us, Wendy! Everyone… don’t miss Red Sky Warning…
/ December 16, 2011Great interview – and I loved your response to how you came to be a Christian writer so much that I went and bought your books. 🙂
I look forward to getting to know you better!
Wendy L. Young
/ December 16, 2011I hope you enjoy them 🙂 Thank you!
/ December 16, 2011Great interview ladies. God bless!
Wendy L. Young
/ December 16, 2011Thank you, Dana!