by CJ Peterson
Our Interview today is with CJ Peterson. Thanks CJ for being here today and for agreeing to do this Interview.
Question: Tell us a little about your “real” (Non-writing) life — family, job, church life. Does it give you inspiration for your writing? Does it get in the way of your writing, or are there times when you get help, from people or circumstances?
Answer: Out in the “real world,” I am a youth leader at our local church. When my husband and I are not at church, we can usually be found at home with our fur babies – a cat named Sampson; and a dog named Delilah. We also enjoy working in our yard, or spending time with our close group of friends.
As far as real life being a hindrance or a help? Life often provides me with situations and connections for continuity in storylines, or even inspiration for some characters. You can find story ideas all around you if you know how to look!
Question: Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction?
Answer: I enjoy photography, traveling with my husband, cooking, and obviously writing! I love freezing moments in time with photography. I enjoy seeing new people and cultures while traveling, and also seeing the different places through the eyes of my husband – giving me a different perspective. I also thoroughly enjoy cooking! I love taking the basic recipe, and playing with it, creating a new and sometimes completely different twist on an old classic!
And then there’s writing. I will always enjoy creating people, challenging the standard perspective on an event, and sometimes just getting lost in the action and adventure!
Question: Tell us about working with any people who help you create your books — Do you use Beta readers? Hire an editor or proofreader? How do you get your covers?
Answer: I have an amazingly patient editor, who content edits, and then she sends it through a copy editor. She gets it only after I’ve ripped it apart, and have done multiple read-throughs with my husband aloud. My husband is a tremendous help and support during the writing, editing, and the publication phases.
I self publish, which allows me to claim the title of an Indie (Independent) Author. I publish through Booklocker.com (http://booklocker.com), who posts the books on their website, as well as sends it through Ingram Publishing out to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Kobo. In working with Booklocker.com, Richard and Angela make publishing virtually stress-free. They have a phenomenal cover artist they work with, too. He has done the covers for all of my books. His name is Todd Engel. You can find out more about his work on:
– https://www.facebook.com/Todd-Engel-Engel-Creative-Graphic-Design-390489460965362/
– http://www.toddengel-engelcreative.com/EngelCreative/Welcome.html
While it is a lot of work, I wouldn’t change being an author for anything. It takes months to write and publish a book, but it gives me the opportunity to reach the hearts of readers. I love it when a reader contacts me after they just finished one of my books, and they are so excited to get their hands on the next one! I keep those messages for the days when I get a rough review, or when I wonder why I do what I do.
When my husband and I agreed to publish the books, we prayed long and hard about it. We both decided that if the stories within the pages reach the heart of just one person, then it was worth it to publish them. I pray you enjoy them as much as I did writing them!
Also, as a side note, a portion of the proceeds from my work go to charities. To find out more about the charities, as well as the links for the ebooks and paperbacks, just go to my website: http://www.cjpetersonwrites.com
“While the stories are fiction, the journey is real.”
Question: Tell us about your newest book. Make us want to read it.
Answer: ARMY RISING is the second book in the Divine Legacy Series. It continues the adventures of a young team called the A.N.G.E.L.s (Available to Nurture God’s Eternal Love). They go around the world on missions, given to them by the archangel in charge of them.
In ARMY RISING, the two A.N.G.E.L. teams are trying to recruit new members. While they are locating them, the other side (Satan, demons, and Unnaturals) are hunting them as well. It is a race to see who will get to them first!
In the process of locating team members, one of the team leads is taken, and the current A.N.G.E.L.s, as well as some from the past, must work together, and fast, to find her before it’s too late!
ARMY RISING is due out any day now. For information on available links, go to: http://www.cjpetersonwrites.com/divine-legacy-series.html
Question: What is the “message” of your writing? (For example, is your purpose to encourage old-fashioned values, encourage romance, or do you have different purposes in different books?)
Answer: My main message is whatever you are going through, you are never going through it alone, as long as you are a child of God. Between His people and His words of encouragement in the Bible, you can face anything life throws at you! (And trust me, my characters go through it ALL!)
Question: What’s your next project? Tell us so we can’t wait for it to come out!
Answer: As I said earlier, ARMY RISING is coming out any day now. As soon as the links are available, I will post them on social media, and on my website. In the meantime, I’m working on book 3 in the Diving Legacy Series, HEARTS UNITED. Here’s the summary:
With the loss of an important A.N.G.E.L. fresh in their minds, the team focuses on trying to get to Angel without losing anyone else. Angel is doing her best to fight Cassius, Calliope, and Korax in complete isolation, with only God’s strength to pull her through. Already tortured, how much more can she endure?
In the meantime, Jerrod’s battles with the ghosts of his past become overwhelming. Will he be able to see past them to find his future?
As the A.N.G.E.L.s converge for yet another memorial service, Jesse struggles with feelings of anger and resentment. Knowing Angel’s choice triggered this loss; he fights within to reconcile his feelings.
With emotions at an all-time high, ricocheting all over the place, the team is more divided than ever. Will they be able to focus on God enough to center themselves and carry on their legacy? Will they continue to be divided or will they become Hearts United. (Book 3 of the Divine Legacy Series.)
Proverbs 4:20-23 “My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
Question: How many books do you have out?
Answer: Once ARMY RISING is out, there will be 11 books out:
– STRENGTH FROM WITHIN (Stand alone book that I am currently rewriting)
– The Holy Flame Trilogy
– Grace Restored Series
– Divine Legacy Series
Question: What are your future projects?
Answer: I have multiple projects going on at the same time. I am rewriting STRENGTH FROM WITHIN. I am also working on Book 3 of the Divine Legacy Series – HEARTS UNITED. After book 3 comes out, I will dive into a new series that isn’t connected to those currently out. After that series, I will send out a few more from the Divine Legacy Series – this will be an ongoing series.
In the books currently out, my characters cross over into the other series. In writing the books this way, it allows the reader, to learn more of the character’s story. This brings a new depth to the characters for the readers
Question: Are their characters/stories/scenes/etc based on anything in real life?
Answer: As an author, it’s best to write what you know. Yes, there are a few characters based on people from my real life. There are certain scenarios based on my real life, or the lives of people I have interviewed. I try to have a certain amount of realism in what happens to my characters. Having said that, it IS fiction, so I do reserve the right to use creative liberty when I feel it’s necessary. Which characters and scenarios are they? I’ll never tell!
Question: What is your writing style?
Answer: My writing style is fairly unique. I am a realistic Christian, so my characters go through real life situations that may arise. While I’m not afraid to tackle certain social subjects, I do it in a “clean” way. This may allow the reader to see the subject in a different light. I do know of some adult readers who have their children read it as well. In doing this, it allows the parent and child to have an open dialogue about the subject. My books are on a few AR Reading Lists in High Schools as well. One of the librarians told me that when a new book of mine is coming out, that there is a waiting line for it! This warms my heart! I have also had multiple people tell me that once they start reading them, they have a hard time putting them down. I really enjoy hearing stories like these from my readers! I will caution you, that if you read one, make sure to have the next one handy!
As I said before, my characters go through it all! Having said that, they find their solace or grounding in the Word of God. In applying the word this way, it may show someone who is new to their Christian walk, or someone who has even been a Christian for quite some time, a new point of view.
It is my prayer for the books to land in the hands of those who need to read the words in their pages. My books are not for everyone, but they are for the everyday person. God bless, and Happy Reading!
About the Author:
I was raised in a Christian military home, but it was far from tranquil. Like many young people, I left home as soon as possible, and went my own way, thinking I knew better. To me anything was better than where I was. Unfortunately, some of the choices I made led me away from the Lord, and sometimes that path was a dangerous one.
God is faithful, even when His children are lost and wandering. When I needed Him most, the Lord was there for me. He led me out of that danger and into a new life…a life where I am loved and appreciated. He taught me what ‘real love’ is, and what it’s supposed to look like through my family and wonderful husband.
Who knew that “Prince Charming” actually existed? I hoped and prayed he was out there, and I found him! He is a 24 year Navy veteran and the love of my life! With his encouragement, I rediscovered the creativity I thought I had lost a long time ago, and have begun to publish the books I have written through the years. The words in these books helped me through my struggles, and my prayer is they will help others.
The way in which I write my Christian Books, is unique to say the least. I am a realistic Christian. People are people, they stumble, they fall, they trip, but God continues to dust us off, and set us back on the path again, if we just learn to trust in Him.
The challenges faced in my past give me a perspective on the realities of living the Christian life that some people may never see. There are times we wander away from God…there are times when we draw closer to Him. In our arrogance we think we can make it on our own. However, the One who made this world, and who made you, has the answers, and thankfully, He forgives our impudence and petulance and loves us through it all. God is a God of love, mercy, grace, and guidance. He loves us and only wants the best for us.
Those who have read my books, describe them as encouraging, frustrating, and a wonderful read all at the same time. The same character that could have you crying one minute, will have you cheering the next! One of my editors, stated that ‘she was so into the story, that she forgot to edit, and had to go back to do the editing’.
I pray you will enjoy my books as well!
While the stories are fiction, the journey is real.
Visit CJ’s website – http://cjpetersonwrites.com/
Follow her on FB – http://www.facebook.com/writingbycjpeterson
Follow her on Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/authoress_cj
Follow her on Pinterest – http://pinterest.com/authoresscj/