by Suzanne D. Williams
I’m not a go-getter or a trendsetter. Stand me in front of a crowd, and chances are, I won’t know what to say. I don’t like to participate. I don’t want to attend parties, dinners, basically any sort of get-together. I appreciate being invited, that you thought of me, but seriously, don’t expect me to come.
If I come, I don’t want to shake hands. If you ask how I’m doing, I will always say “fine.” I don’t want to share more about myself, fill you in on the details, or sit and chat. I’m not above answering one or two “yes” or “no” questions if you aren’t asking for more than that.
I will text, but only family and close friends. Same goes for IM. Please don’t IM me. I have little to say. In fact, I prefer to say nothing at all. I don’t talk much unless it’s a topic near to my heart and then I tap out, 1,000 words in.
But, oh, let me write, and my brain breaks free of its constraints. I see things clearer. I understand how A fits into B. The world makes infinitely more sense. Writing is therapy for my soul. It is what God gave me to ease heartache, to celebrate, to organize. I can control it. Words bend where I put them and stay in place.
What I can’t voice, I can write. Stories, poems, instructional articles, devotions. I hear God speak, and He becomes bigger, higher, and grander. He’s for me, not against me, and I’m a vessel fit for His use.
I am not always perfect. I make mistakes, personally and in writing. When a book flops, I know I’ve tried too hard to make it work on my own. Perhaps, I needed more knowledge before I started. Perhaps, I should have given it more thought along the way.
Writing has taught me to wait. It’s exercised my patience. For the book, the scene, the next paragraph. God writes my books, or I don’t write at all. I hear the Holy Spirit and write what He tells me. Even if that’s simply knowing when to stop or when to pray.
Writing has taught me that too. The power of prayer, of dependence on the Father to ever reach the end and have it be successful.
I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a dog mom. I am a Christian, a friend, a graphic designer. I am many things from day to day, but above all I am a writer.
I write, and for a reason I don’t always understand, people listen. Not because I’m so awesome. But because what I write makes more sense than ten words I might speak. It is my voice.
Can you hear me?
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Best-selling author, Suzanne D. Williams, is a native Floridian, wife, mother, and photographer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. She writes devotionals and instructional articles for various blogs. She also does graphic design for self-publishing authors. She is co-founder of THE EDGE.
To learn more about what she’s doing and check out her extensive catalog of stories, visit www.feelgoodromance.com or link with her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/suzannedwilliamsauthor or on Twitter at twitter.com/SDWAuthor.