In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. -Genesis 1:1
Have you ever stopped to ponder the miracle of that first beginning? And does it bring you to a place of awe–like it does me–that the Maker of the beginning has no beginning or end? He simply is.
No wonder God answered with the words “I AM” when Moses asked His name. He always has been. He is. He always will be.
That is the very essence of the God who began time by speaking the heavens and the earth into being.
But as miraculous as that first beginning was and is, God didn’t stop there. He is the God of new beginnings.
Don’t believe me? Just Ask Adam and Eve, who in spite of their sin and dismissal from Paradise, were given a fresh start. Or ask Abraham, who in spite of a God-given promise, in impatience took matters into his own hands, starting a war between brothers that continues to this day. Or ask Moses, on the run from his adoptive family for murdering an Egyptian. Or King David, who in spite of being a man after God’s own heart, committed adultery and then murder to cover up his wrongdoing.
The Bible is chock-full of example after example of men and women who messed up, but were given a fresh beginning. A do-over. Another chance.
I say all that to say this. As much as we might long to be perfect, we are not. Sometimes we mess up. The ugly word for it is sin. Like it or not, we are all sinners, and we will be until the day that God makes us new in His kingdom.
If you’re struggling to get over a past sin or a pet sin–if you can’t forgive yourself and assume God won’t either–if the enemy of our souls constantly hurls accusations your way, there is still hope. And it’s found through Jesus Christ. If we come to God through Him, truly repentant and working hard to turn ourselves back around to Him, we can trust that our God does indeed give us that new beginning for which we yearn.
Dear heavenly Father, thank You that You are a God of new beginnings. That our mess-ups–our sin–is no match for Your forgiveness. Father, at those times when we struggle against sin and the accuser, help us to whole-heartedly turn back to You as our only help and hope. We praise You for being a God of second chances. Thank You for what Jesus did for us at the cross. In His name we pray. Amen.
We all long to experience times of fresh starts and new beginnings. And God, in His great mercy, allows us those times. New beginnings cause us to count our God-given blessings and make goals and plans based on this new door of opportunity that lies open before us.
This 31-day devotional journey guides us through scripture verses that reveal how God does indeed make all things new, grants us new beginnings, and how best to set goals and plans for those new beginnings. Join us for the journey!
The LORD’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. -Lamentations 3:22-23
NEW BEGINNINGS: A 31-Day Devotional Journey
We all long to experience times of fresh starts and new beginnings. And God, in His great mercy, allows us those times. New beginnings cause us to count our God-given blessings and make goals and plans based on this new door of opportunity that lies open before us.
This 31-day devotional journey guides us through scripture verses that reveal how God does indeed make all things new, grants us new beginnings, and how best to set goals and plans for those new beginnings. Join us for the journey!
The LORD’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. -Lamentations 3:22-23
Amazon bestselling Christian author Cathy Bryant loves to write heart-stirring stories of God’s life-changing grace. In addition to penning the much-beloved and award-nominated Miller’s Creek novels, she’s written devotionals for The Upper Room magazine, many online devotional websites, and two devotional books done in collaboration with other Christian writers. Her new devotional book, New Beginnings: A 31-Day Devotional Journey, is an addition not only to her devotional writing, but also her two LifeSword Bible studies.
When she’s not writing, you’ll find her rummaging through thrift stores, romping in the great outdoors, enjoying her family, or up to yet another home improvement project in the mountain home she shares with her minister husband of almost thirty-five years. To find out more about Cathy and her books, visit her website at CatBryant.com. Cathy loves to interact with folks via her various social media channels. You can find her in the following spots:
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