Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12 that he pleaded with the Lord three times for the thorn of his flesh to be removed. God answered him “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
Most of us are very aware of the thorn or thorns of our flesh. They keep us humble, human, and can cause us to need – turning outward instead of inward. If we had it all together, would we still love the way He wants us to? Is it through our broken hearts that the need for another is found?
We reach out for comfort or hope or strength and we give back the same when we see another’s struggles or desperation.
It is in and through our brokenness that God moves. I read a few weeks ago of a Japanese art called Kintsugi. It is the act of fixing broken pottery with gold, silver, or platinum. Wiki defines its philosophy “as it speaks to breakage and repair becoming part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.” These vessels are more beautiful for the break, not despite it.
We are beautifully imperfect. These imperfections, individual to each of us, cause us to be able to have the capacity and compassion to relate to and love others.
Sometimes God must break our hearts to teach us to live (and love) His way.
It does not come naturally. It is the divine in a repaired vessel reaching out as the imperfections drive us, to a world who needs to see the beauty of the Lord’s work in us.
About the Author:
Laura J. Marshall is a full-time mom of five boys. When not on active duty, she is the best-selling author of Christian romance, nonfiction, and Archibald’s Bible Adventure series for kids. Visit Laura’s website at http://www.LauraJMarshall.com