Ps. 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
The law of the Lord is perfect. There is no better way to get to know God than to get to know His Word. There is no better way to please God than to live life His way. There is no better way than to breathe life into your soul than to obey God’s Word.
We can trust what God says because God is trustworthy. If we are going to benefit at all from God’s Word, we must first believe that God is absolute truth and holiness. We must know that every word that comes from God is truth. If God is not always truth, there is no truth upon which we can stand or God in whom to believe.
We must also believe that the Bible originates in God. Foundational to our ability to trust what we read in the Bible is the belief that all of the Scriptures are inspired by God, that no part of the Scriptures come from any other source but God. There is no wiggle room here; either all of the Bible is absolute truth from God or none of it can be trusted to be true and from God. We must begin and end with God’s Word as our source for truth for living. There is no pick and choosing what we want to believe and live by.
The Word of God makes the wise simple. In other words, it is applicable to all and keeps us humbled before God. No matter how wise or smart a person may be, we all need to learn what God teaches us. We all need to see ourselves as we really are in God’s eyes. We must all bow to God’s authority over us. No one is beyond their need for God’s guidance on the pathway to holiness. No matter who we may be or what we may become in the eyes of man, we are equally in need before God. In Christ the wise are made simple and the simple are made wise.
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