Ps. 22:1 My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me? Why do you remain so distant? Why do ignore my cries for help?
Have you ever felt forsaken by God? I am sure that there are times in which you have. Satan works hard at getting us to doubt God’s presence. Satan wants us to believe that God is not concerned about us, that we are all alone in this battle of life. He wants us to question the worth of trying to live godly lives.
We need to be very careful about letting our feelings dictate our beliefs. Feelings fluctuate with our health and circumstances of life. They are fragile and easily influenced. When we rely on our feelings to determine what we believe, we are often led astray. It is a must that we understand this important truth: faith must be driven by facts and not feelings.
When we are grounded in the Word of God and we build our lives on its sure foundation, we can stand strong, even in our weakest moments. We know that what God has spoken is true and we cling to it, especially during those dark times of our lives. A good principle to live by is to never doubt in the dark what you know to be true in the light.
There are times when we will be overwhelmed by our circumstances and God will seem so far away. During those dark times we will feel like God has forsaken us. We may cry and cry out to God and nothing seems to change. Dear friend, don’t doubt God. He has promised that He would never leave or forsake us. His promise is that no matter the valley we may walk in, even unto death, that we don’t walk it alone. He has guaranteed that He would be with us, to help us, to minister to our every need. Trust God in the storms of life and He will not let you sink.
We also must consider the fact that sometimes it seems like God has forsaken us because we have fallen into sin or have drifted from Him because of our neglecting Him and His Word. A careful examination of the soul will reveal a sin problem and if it’s there, we must return to God.
Stay close to the heart of God in the good times of life and you will have the resources to stay close to His heart in the bad times of life.
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