Ps. 18:28 LORD, you have brought light to my life; my God, you light up my darkness.
Without Christ the soul resides in darkness. This darkness resists the light. It does everything it can to keep the light out. It will not entertain the thought that Light exists. It will refuse to consider that the darkness is danger-filled and leads to certain destruction. It will rebel against those who want to bring light into the darkness. It will squelch the thought that there are consequences for actions committed. It will keep the door shut to the Light with the thought there will always be time to open the door someday. It muddles the truth so that confusion reigns. It causes the soul to believe Satan’s lie that there is no absolute truth. This darkness causes the soul to fall over and over again. Chaos prevails in it and people constantly get hurt.
Only God can penetrate the darkness. He alone has the ability to cut through all of the affects darkness has on the soul. The Holy Spirit enters into the darkness and overwhelms the darkness. He sheds light on the darkness so that the soul can see Jesus, the Light. When God comes in, the darkness must leave. He brings to light all the sin and its causes so they can be dealt with. He opens the eyes of the soul so it can clearly see it’s way to Calvary.
Praise the Lord for not leaving us in the dark! Praise Him for loving us and reaching deep into our darkness to pull us out. Praise Him for stripping away from us all those things which hinder us from enjoying to the fullest the light. Praise Him for His work amongst us to shed light on our souls! Praise Him for this Light which can never go out! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
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