Ps. 19:9a Reverence for the LORD is pure, lasting forever.
What does it mean to have reverence for the Lord? It means that we have a real sense of who God is. Most who profess faith in the Lord have a very cloudy understanding of God, mainly because they are not in the Word of God like they should be. It is hard to grasp God when all you do is rely on bits and pieces of the Word for your spiritual sustenance. We latch onto the promises of God with very little thought of God who gave us the promises.
God has made himself known to us. When we are into the whole of Scripture, we see things about God that we fail to see otherwise. The God of the New Testament is the same as the one of the Old Testament. We cannot fully grasp how God reveals himself to us as Jesus until we first grasp how He reveals himself to us as the holy, gracious, merciful, and unchanging God of the Old Testament. It is hard to see how God is love until we see that love at work amongst His children in the Old Testament.
To revere God is to appreciate God of all eternity. We observe His creative genius and power. We observe His passion to redeem humanity. We observe the display of His character as He deals with man. We observe His revealed plans for the redeemed and what He does to make sure it comes to pass. We observe God and are in awe of Him.
Reverence for God doesn’t just happen. We must stay closely connected to Him. Sin dulls our spiritual senses and causes us to take God for granted. It causes us to not regard God as holy. It causes us to not worship Him. In order for us to have a proper understanding and response to God, we must keep our hearts pure before Him.
Reverence for God is eternal. It is pure and good. The Lord our God is worthy to be worshiped and praised both now and forever.
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