by Precarious Yates
Our emotions are very powerful. God wants to meet us in all of our emotions. He gave us emotions and they are a gift from Him. He not only wants to bring healing to our emotions, He will give us emotions that bring healing to others!
Have you ever had someone sit with you when you were grieving and simply say, “I’m sorry, this is really awful.”
I have, and it transformed the situation completely! Even though it seems like such a simple task, sitting with someone in their grief and sorrow is very powerful.
Not only are our emotions very powerful, but so are our decisions. God wants us to make wise and loving decisions.
Have you ever made a bad decision that you regretted? I know I’ve made a gazillion. Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but not much of one!
Decision making is difficult, to say the least!
Have you ever made a decision you knew was right but everyone got upset at you anyway? I usually find I’m second guessing myself when this happens. It’s really hard to stick with a decision that people are upset about. But if our decision was rooted in love, we can trust God to help others understand.
When we make our decisions based on love and faithfulness, we become a safe place for others, even if people get upset with our decisions at first.
In addition to love and faithfulness, there is one more thing God wants us to have in our hearts: courage!
It takes courage to love. It takes courage to pray. It takes courage to be faithful. Sometimes our friends may stop being our friends without telling us why. Sometimes those who love us will hurt us. We need to love anyway, and to love like this takes courage. It takes courage because rejection is the scariest thing in the world, sometimes. It’s scarier than bears, lions, and scorpions. It’s scarier than leopards, cobra snakes, and even great white sharks. We can bury that fear, but it comes up over and over again. We can’t run away from it. We need to face this fear head on.
God wants us to face that fear with Him. Why?
Because He will never reject us. When we take even the first step of this journey with Him, the first thing He does is look at us and say, “Your heart is beautiful and perfect!” He will never reject us!
Also, He wants us to take this journey with Him because He knows what it’s like to be rejected. He was rejected by family (John 7:3-5), by friends (Mark 14:56), by His own people (John 1:11). Jesus knows the pain and sting of rejection more acutely than anyone. We’ll be exploring this further later on.
Have you ever been rejected by people you love? By someone to whom you had been a faithful friend? How much courage did it take to forgive and love people again?
About the Author:
Precarious Yates has lived in 8 different states of the Union and 3 different countries, but currently lives in Texas with her husband, her daughter and their big dogs. When she’s not writing, she enjoys music, teaching, playing on jungle gyms, praying and reading. She holds a Masters in the art of making tea and coffee and a PhD in Slinky® disentangling.