by Shawn Lamb
Since I write primarily for young adults, I am frequently asked about the content of my books. Is there anything inappropriate? Relationships? Language? Unbiblical concepts? This has led to innumerable discussions at events with concerned parents, and young people, who are particular about what they read. The type of event doesn’t matter, homeschool, book festivals, personal book signings, comic conventions. Even at secular events, my reputation as a Christian author is known, thus such discussions are common.
Sadly, what I hear about some Christian books and authors is disturbing, and especially in light of current events about the exploitation of children. As Christian authors, we should be setting the example of good storytelling that is compelling yet adheres to Biblical principles. After all, we follow The One who told the most convicting parables ever recorded.
In 2 Corinthians 10:5 Paul tells the Corinthians, Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. (KJV)
Other translations say destroying arguments instead of imaginations. However, the Greek word used is logismos from the root logos meaning word, either spoke or mentally reasoned. John 1:1 uses logos to describe Jesus as “the” (definitive article) Word, the incarnation of all God’s spoken revelation.
Paul further encourages believers in Romans 12:1-2 not to be conformed to this world, but to renew our minds. Jesus warned in Mark 7 that it’s not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out, For from within, out of the heart of a man, comes evil thoughts (vs.21). This word thoughts is dialogismos – a compound word of dia tied to logismos used earlier. By placing dia before logoismos it enhances the meaning to almost always. It’s like putting very to amplify a word.
There are many examples in Scripture about thoughts expressed in word and deeds. Perhaps the best verse is Colossians 3:17, Whatever you do in word (logos) or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus. In short, Scripture makes no distinction between reality and make-believe (fiction). People tend to compartmentalize life. Yet to do so, risks losing rewards when we stand before Christ to give answer to how we used the gifts and talents He gave us.
First Corinthians 3:12-15, Paul speaks about the how a Christian builds upon the foundation of Christ. In the grand scheme of things, fiction is wood, hay, and stubble to be burned by fire that tests our work. Yet, the outcome of what we write should produce gold, silver or precious stones.
Pray that God guides the writing to produce the fruits worthy of eternal life.
About the Author:
Shawn Lamb is an award-winning author of Christian allegorical fantasy and historical fiction. To find out more about Shawn, her books, and personal appearances visit: https://www.allonbooks.com