by Mark Malcolm
God has given us some of the greatest gifts ever given. He gave us His Son, who was sacrificed on the cross. That sacrifice gave us the gift of salvation to save us from our mistakes. But He also gave us the Holy Spirit to help guide our walk with Him.
God gave us this gift not to make us feel bad, but to make us feel good. The Holy Spirit is here to help answer our questions. The Holy Spirit is here to teach us through our daily studies of His word. The Holy Spirit is the one who ensures we are working on, doing what, and going where HE wants to us to work, do, and go.
How do we access this wonderful wealth of information on God’s plan for our life? You’ve heard this before but it is prayer. Simply asking God, through prayer, to reveal His direction, plan, and answers is needed; but it is only part of the answer. The second part of the answer is listening.
We, as His children, must be willing to hear what God says in answer to our questions. He does answer, each and every time. Unfortunately, sometimes we are only willing to listen and hear that answer when it confirms what we want instead of what He wants. The key to really being able to listen and hear what God is saying to us is having a heart that is willing to go wherever God is sending us and do whatever God is asking us to do whether that be what we would like to do or be it radical change in our own lives. If we will be obedient to His intentions, we will find it easy to hear His voice. The tough question becomes are we really willing to go anywhere and do anything for Him?
Bio from my web site :
Mark Malcolm is a child of God, husband, father, project manager, technical writer, gamer, fiction writer, Marine (’87-’91), has practiced Shao Lin Kung Fu and Tai Chi, been published in magazines and newspapers (editorial anyway), and seen the Southern Cross.
The goals he has currently are to more accurately identify the path God has for him to walk, continue to provide for his family, establish a solid web presence, build a career writing novels through both traditional and independent publishing, and learn to better relate to the people around him.
Annemarie Smith
/ February 3, 2017Good writing!