by Precarious Yates
Narrated by Artificial Intelligence
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Healing can be a touchy subject in the church these days. Some people receive prayer and are healed. Others get sicker and die, even if tons of people pray in faith.
Healing was one of Jesus’ major missions while He was on earth. And that healing is still available through the Holy Spirit.
Describing Christ’s work on the cross in chapter 53, Isaiah says, “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:5 NIV
John records few of the healings Jesus did. In fact, there are only seven miracles, or signs, recorded in John’s gospel. In John 4-5 two healings are told back to back. Early manuscripts of the New Testament had no chapter breaks, so one story would have read right into the other. We’re meant to see the comparisons and contrasts in these stories of healing. .
In the first instance, a very prominent and well known man comes to Jesus to ask for healing for his son. In the second instance, an unknown invalid is approached by Jesus. Do you see the similarities between these two healings and between the conversations Jesus had with Nicodemus and then with the woman at the well? Jesus does not heal based on a person’s reputation or their righteousness. The royal official asked, and Jesus healed. This unnamed man who had been sitting by the pool of Bethesda for 38 years was healed. Jesus heals. By His stripes we are healed. It’s not of our own doing.
Do you need healing today? It doesn’t matter if you’re famous or unknown, if you have a good reputation or a poor reputation, Jesus comes with healing that will transform our whole lives. Reach out to Him today.
God bless you! Precarious Yates
The Captives
The captives will only be free when Shunda loses his fears about who he is. Yet what Shunda fears more than anything is loneliness.
Qoshonni figures she has become too violent and will never come back from the brink that the MerKing has pushed her to.
Mookori knows his father loves him best, but this has no consolation as war invades the shores of his father’s kingdom.
The Heart of the Caveat Whale is an epic trilogy that takes place both under water and on land. Book 1, The Captives, in the beginning of a journey into joy and terror. Sea monsters abound, as does the valor of both simple folk and nobles alike.
About the Author:
Precarious Yates has lived in 8 different states of the Union and 3 different countries, but currently lives in Texas with her husband, her daughter and their big dogs. When she’s not writing, she enjoys music, teaching, playing on jungle gyms, praying and reading. She holds a Masters in the art of making tea and coffee and a PhD in Slinky® disentangling.