CrossReads Weekly Devotional: Verse of the Day and Devotional 10/24/2022

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Verse of the Day

October 24th, 2022


Then Mary said, “I praise the Lord with all my heart. I am very happy because God is my Savior.” – Luke 1:46-47 ERV


Can you imagine? A young woman just heard from an angel that she will be pregnant without the intimacy of a man but through the Spirit. Oh, and there is more: the baby will be holy and is called the Son of God. How does that not shake up your world?

First, this is a major event in history as the grand redemption plan of God, Creator of everything, unfolds. His Son became a human. In Philippians 2 we read that the Son gave up everything, even His place with God. He accepted the role of a servant, appearing in human form.

Second, we have the story of Mary becoming part of God’s redemptive plan. She responded in humility and was willing to lay aside her own life and interest. Her ability is the work of the Holy Spirit, she humbly acknowledges that the Lord’s words are reliable and true. In the next verse, she refers to herself as “his lowly servant” (v. 48).

God is my Savior. This is the foundation of a life in humble service. All kinds of things can shake up our world, we have seen so much of that lately. But like Mary, we can respond in humility. I am very happy because God is my Savior. In Christ, you and I are saved. Through the Spirit, we are able servants, laying down our own will and interest in any situation.

Think humbly, the way Christ Jesus thought! (Philippians 2:5)

Inspirational Image of the Day

Thursday Image
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