by Rebekah Beene
The Jonquil Festival, a nearby yearly event, won’t happen this year. They have decided to cancel it again. So much cancelling going on all around the country that it’s quite sad. If you’re from this area you know something about this festival. While the event is being canceled there’s no way the flowers themselves will be canceled. They will bloom right on time no matter what the festival committee decides.
Oh beloved, you may be reeling from the cancellation of things in your life. We’re all wondering if our children and grandchildren will ever know the life we’ve had and the freedoms to attend events that well, we’ve just assumed would continue on. You’re concerned but unsure of what to think. Fear tries to cover the ground where you walk. But God has a promise to fulfill regardless.
God is not cancelling His plans for you. He’s not stopping the spring from coming and the flowers from blooming. He has given you this beautiful world to enjoy. And He has given you Christ, who has made a way for you to bloom when there’s no reason at all to do so. The jonquils of the yearly festival will come forth and shine. And so will you. Your plans may be cancelled, but His plans for you can never be cancelled. It’s not time to worry, it’s time to worship! It’s not time to quit, it’s time to rejoice! What man has meant for evil God will turn to good. And your life itself is a festival of all the wondrous things of life in Christ!
God loves you and He’s for you. Have a moment of sorrow for what was. Then run to the Father and give Him all your attention – for He is about to do something in these last days that will astound and amaze the world! Let Him have your heart and mind to guard in Christ Jesus as you live and bloom in the Light of His Glory and Grace!
Isaiah 35:1 Even the wilderness and desert will be glad in those days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with spring crocuses.
Isaiah 35:10 And those the Lord has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.
Psalm 92:12-13 The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.
Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, take pleasure in Him]; again I will say, rejoice!
About the Author:
In a Christian Women’s meeting in 1983, Rebekah was given a prophetic message that she would write books. Several years ago she began writing stories about special holiday memories and travels, sharing God’s love and care through each story. God has gifted Rebekah with the ability to look at the natural and see the supernatural. Both Rebekah and her husband Danny have a heart to share the Gospel and the riches of life in Christ to everyone they meet. They have served in the local church and in ministry to motorcyclists. Danny is an ordained minister and they both have been Bible study teachers for many years. Rebekah also speaks at women’s retreats and conferences. Her tag line says it all “God loves you and He’s for you”.
My website is http://rebekahbeene.wordpress.com